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Ello luvs

I decided to continue for a while so I hope your happy with what I'm doing the chapters wont be the longest I can tell you that the most you should expect is 5 pages and the least is 2 so yah dont be sad or mad at me. The comments needed is 8 in case you didn't notice the number of the chapter is one number lower than what the next chapter will be so this is chapter seven we need 8 votes to go to chapter eight get it? yah you do you guys are smart! see my music video! warning some in the future MIGHT be a parady okay?

XOXO Nikki


^_^ _^_^Niall^_^_^_^

I woke up from my dream and my eyes we wide as hell "did I just have sex with a dog?" I asked myself staring at the ceiling. I sat in bed thinking about it when I heard yelling from down stairs. I got up and went down in time to see Emma run into her with a smile, Liam, Lizzy, Harry, and Nikki staring at each other when they started talking about telling Emma Nikki and Harry were doing something 'fun' together. I frowned I don't know why but suddenly I felt jealous. I shook my head, its probable just something left over from the dream. I saw Lizzy and Nikki leave and went down stairs "hello boys" I said smiling and they nodded at me "so what's for breakfast I'm starving!" I said and Liam smiled "your always hungry, and make your own breakfast" he said and I frowned and gave them the puppy dog look they stared at me for a minute then Harry gave up "fine I'll make you food" he threw up his hands and I smiled "yah! go Hazza!" I cheered and he glared at me and poured me a bowel of cereal. I frowned "what I didn't say I'd make you a cooked breakfast" Harry said wiggling his eyebrows and smiling showing off his dimples I held my breath looking at his forest green eyes, mass of curly hair, he looked cute smiling like that. I mentally shook my head suddenly not hungry. Where did that come from? I asked my self I got up from the table "I'm gonna get dressed" "oh leave the food on the counter to get soggy now?" Harry asked "you eat it" I called back running upstairs. I went to my room and closed the door and leaned against it sliding down to the floor. When did Harry's smile get so cute? I asked myself, wait whoa hold up, Harry's smile isn't cute, I've never thought about his smiles before why now? Probable the dream, weird fake feelings haven't gone away yet. Yah that it. Just left over feeling from the dream. The dream where I loved every second of everything... except the part with Puddles, yah I would never have sex with a dog or snog one or kiss more than one's head. I got up and put on some clothes of a light blue T-shirt and some white jeans. I hurried down stairs to where the bowel of cereal still sat, my hunger came back, I took a bite, NOT TO SOGGY! I ate the cereal and headed outside for no reason not knowing what to do today and saw Nikki and Lizzy putting their backpacks in a truck.... or what was supposed to be a truck, the thing was a baby blue and rusted and the paint was cracking and coming off in some places and not to mention how the windows weren't the cleanest things in the world, I thought to a car I saw while driving to our last concert where we met them it's windows were covered in dust and someone wrote ":fucking wash me!" on every window, I smiled and they noticed me "why hello there" Lizzy called to me with a smile "hello to you to" I answered walking over, the little girl Megan went into the back seat with her BTR backpack and her unicorn doll wearing a rainbow tutu and a "This is my zombie killing shirt" with blood splatters on it, I was surprised she didn't seem like the kind of kid to like zombies and it sounds like a weird outfit but it went well together weirdly, I looked at the girls again and saw Lizzy in some jeans a pair of bearpaws and a white T-shirt, my mouth opened at Nikki's shirt, it was a white T-shirt with a shamrock on her chest saying "kiss me I'm irish" BUT she had taken a sharpie to it and crossed out irish and wrote "Bitch please I'm from Wonderland" she also wore a pair of purple jeans with red suspenders hanging from the sides and her converses. She saw me looking at her shirt and smiled "what'd think?" she asked turning in a circle "I'm wondering if your school will let you wear a shirt saying 'Bitch please I'm from Wonderland" I said "oh they will or we'll go Charlie's angles on them" Lizzy said happily. Okay I have no idea what she meant there but okay. "Get Emma so we can go! I wanna be early so I can meet up with Maddie!" Megan complained from inside "okay I'll go get her!" Nikki said running over to me and taking me inside the house. She pulled me upstairs and we went to the room Emma ran into, I opened the door to see, Emma and Zayn close together. Very close together, like kissing close... were they about to or did they? I asked myself as Nikki walked over and grabbed Emma's arm pulling her away ignoring the fact that Zayn was there "come on school! Time to go Charlie's angles on more people!" she said happily. Okay what was this Charlie's angles thing going on?. They left and I looked around the room to see allot of posters with Zayn on them and I mean A LOT.

$$$$$$Nikki$$$$ *sorry no Emma or Zayn pov yet!*

We went into my car and I drove Megan to school real quick to meet with her BTR fan club. I pulled into the parking lot and parked in my three spaces and we all rolled out of the car. I looked around and saw a group of football players heading our way. I looked over at Lizzy and nodded at her she shook her head no and I turned to Emma. She shook her head no also "fine leave me alone!" I said and I ran forward and rolled in front of them and shot one in the forehead "what the fuck?" he asked rubbing his forehead I smiled "hi yah!" I said cheery "hi, what was that for?" one guy asked and I smiled "I do this everyday! anyone who walks by, except teachers. My friends join me but they to scared of you" I said and pointed to them Lizzy gave a small wave and Emma gave a shy smile "your the girl who parks in three spaces right?" another boy asked I nodded "yup, one parking space is just so boring" I said and some smiled at the comment, what it's true. "You're kinda cool, I like the crazyness" the guy I shot said and he looked at his friends "why thank you!" I smiled at them "wanna hang after school?" he asked "sure! but I have to get my little sister home right after school" I said and "its fine, friday come to the game and we'll talk about a time to hang" he said and I nodded "okaaaays!" I answered and they walked away. That went well. "YOU COULD'VE DIED!!!" Lizzy yelled running towards me and I smiled "but I didn't, don't worry so much and just have fun!" I said doing a cartwheel to the school doors and going to class.

(L8R after school! still Nikki pov!)

We all got in my car and I sped away to pick up Megan. She was waiting with her friends on a wall and I honked and she jumped down and got in the car "so how was school?" I asked and she smiled "it was great! my teacher gave me a gold star for cleaning up the art table without being told to! and I have a BTR meeting friday after school at Katie's house, can I go?" she said really fast smiling all hyper like "of course, I don't need to pick you up right?" I asked and she shook her head "nope, its also a sleep over!" I nodded and pulled into the driveway. She ran out and into the house. I leave it unlocked because no one ever gets robbed. I only lock it if I'm gone for more than school hours and I'm not near by and I night. We all got out of the car and headed into my house. We put down our backpacks and I rushed into the kitchen where I had fresh baked cookies from this morning! I shoved one in my mouth and headed outside with Emma and Lizzy. Emma wanted to hang at her house.... IDK WHY!!! my house is better and she knows it. Lizzy went home to get her school books to do homework. See we had a set at school in the class rooms and a set at home for homework so we didn't have to lug them everywhere. "Emma, get your books to and then we can hang at Nikki's place and do homework kk?" Lizzy called to her and Emma nodded. I waited outside for both of them and saw the boys come outside "hello there" I said and they all said they're hellos when the best thing of my life happened.

Ello Luvs,

Do you hate me? for ending the chappie? I WOULD IF I WERE YOU!!!! what do you think happened? find out next in My One Thing!.... okay that was a fail... I was trying to be Chris from Total Drama Island but my anouncer voice isn't the best in the world is it? yah it sucks.... mostly when I have to write it! anyways I'm just rambling now so COMMENT AND VOTE LUVYS!!!

XOXO Nikki Stylinson and Truffles TMU

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