Chapter 1

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Hi. I'm Quinn James Granger. I'm 17 years old, openly gay and I work at the local mechanic shop here in town. I was kicked out of my parents' home last year when I was 16 years old for admitting that I am gay. I'm 5 feet 7 inches tall with shaggy dirty blond hair and light green eyes. I know I'm short but what can I do about it? I live in a rundown apartment on the bad part of town but it's all I can afford being 17 years old and working at the garage working full time.

I have a three year old son named Justin. I found Justin one night while I was walking home from work six months ago. He was living with his parents who were dead for a few weeks before he left the house to find food. He was dirty and starving. I checked his home and was the one who called the anonymous call about his dead parents. No one even knew about Justin. Mrs. Preston a.k.a. Granny, watches Justin for me while I'm at work. She knows about our situation and helps when she can.

Justin is so damn adorable. He has shaggy blondish brown hair and blue eyes. He has the biggest dimples I've ever seen, one on each side. He smile is the best, he has such infectious smile that anyone who sees him smile they can't help but smile back at him.

I dropped out of school last year when I was kicked out of my parents' home. I lived in an alley for a week before moving in my apartment. I love Friday and Saturday's since I don't work so Justin and I can spend those days together. I work Sunday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. My boss, Charlie, knows I have a son.

Today is Thursday. My alarm blares at 6:30 a.m. groaning I roll over and turn my alarm off. Throwing my blanket off I get up. Before walking into my shower, I grab a black pair of jeans, black socks, a long sleeve black shirt that I'll wear under my button up work shirt. After showering, I brush my teeth and hair and putting deodorant on along with my Axe cologne. Walking back into my bedroom I grab my wallet as I walk out of my room I stick my wallet in my back pocket. Going into Justin's room, sitting on the foot of his bed, I reach over and gently rub Justin's back.

"Hey Justin, it's time to get up." Continuing to rub his back I say, "Time for breakfast and then I'm dropping you off at Granny's."

That makes him pop his blue eyes open. "Granny's today?"

"Yup. Then tomorrow and Saturday are just you and me days."

"Yeah!" He shouts throwing his covers off himself and scrambling out of bed. After helping Justin shower, I help him pick out clothes and get dressed. As he eats his cereal, I comb his hair. Him and I need haircuts. Perhaps Granny will cut our hair. Rinsing Justin's bowl out and setting it in the sink, I help him brush his teeth.

"Ready Jay?" I ask as I put my work boots on after helping him with his shoes.

He nods as he grabs his backpack with an extra pair of clothes and a few toys. "To Granny!" I giggle as we walk out our door and he waits as I lock the apartment door. Walking three doors down, I knock and we wait.

Granny opens the door with a huge smile. "Hello boys!"

Justin giggles as he says, "Daddy isn't a boy, he's a man, and I'm a boy!"

Mrs. Preston laughs as she ushers Justin inside before turning back to me with a smile. "Be here by 3:30, correct?"

I nod. "Thanks again, Mrs. Preston. I'll have your pay when I pick him up." I give her a hundred dollars each week and she always gives it back in the form of either groceries or clothes and other items for Justin and I.

Half an hour later I've walked to work, I'm punched in and working on a Ford Focus. Just before my lunch break at noon, a 1967 Chevy Camaro pulls in the yard. Charlie, my boss, goes outside to talk to the owner of that beauty. Walking outside with my sandwich and water, I sit on top of the picnic table. After eating I pull out my pack of cigarettes. Lighting one up I feel like I'm being watched so picking my head I see a man probably two or three years older than me staring at me.  He very handsome with shaggy dark dirty blond hair a nice natural tan, dark brown eyes. I would say he's probably 6 feet tall. 

Smirking at me he comes over to me with a swagger in his step. He sits down next to me, a little too close for my liking, his knee and shoulder closets to me are touching me. "You know smoking kills right? You look to young and cute to be killing yourself."

I raise an eyebrow at him. I take a drag off my smoke and exhale before I answer him. "Thanks I guess."

"How old are you?"

I take another drag. "17 years almost 18 years, why?"

He smirks at me. "So you're still jail bait for a while. When do you turn 18 years and what's your name?"

I just stare at him for a moment before I answer. "Two months in November. How old are you? What's your name?"

He smiles his pearly white teeth at me. "My name is Jarrod Walker. I just turned 21 a few weeks ago. What's your name cutie?"

Throwing my finished cigarette into the can I answer him. "Quinn Granger."

Jarrod studies me briefly before asking "If you're only 17 years, how come you're not in school?"

Hanging my head in embarrassment I mumble, "I had to quit school to support myself and my son."

His face registers shock. "Damn I thought you were gay. Don't your parents or his mother help you?" He sounds sad.

"Justin isn't my biological son. His mother is dead and my parents kicked me out of their home when I came out to them. Oh, I'm as gay as they come." I chuckle at that Jarrod's face lights up in happiness.

Looking at the time on my cell, I get off the picnic table. "Well, it was nice talking to you. I have to go back to work now."

As I start to walk away Jarrod grabs my hand to stop me. Looking at him in surprise as I raise an eyebrow. "Can I have your number? I'm new in town and I would like to get know you better." I hand him my cell as he hands me his. Inputting my name and number I had his phone back to him.

"Thank you, Quinn." I nod as I head back into work to finish my work on a Dodge Ram. When 3 p.m. finally came I sighed a breath of relief. Charlie hands me my pay in cash. Walking the half an hour home, I knock on Mrs. Preston's door.

"Justin, I think your daddy is here.  Let's go check." I hear the chain move a moment later. 

The door opens revealing a happy  Justin. "Daddy!" He shouts launching himself into my arms.

Laughing I hug him tightly.  "Hi Justin. Where you good for Granny?"

Justin peeks at Mrs. Preston. "Yup," he pops the 'p'. Digging into my front pocket I pull out the money for Mrs. Preston then hand it to her.  She takes it with a small smile. Granny steps forward and pulls me down so I'm level with her 5 feet. She gives me a small kiss on the cheek before kissing Justin's, who giggles.

"Bye Granny. See you Sunday!" Mrs. Preston hands me Justin's backpack.

"Bye sweetie. Have fun with daddy. Bye Quinn."

Once we're inside our apartment, I lock the door. Turning to Justin I ask, "How about we go to the park tomorrow? We can even have a picnic while we're there."

"Yeah Daddy!" He cheers before going into the living room to watch cartoons. 

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