Chapter 2

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Friday morning around 9 a.m. Justin runs into my room and jumps onto my bed launching himself onto my stomach. "Daddy! Up! Up! Picnic and park today! Please?"

I giggle and tickle his belly and let up so he can breathe. "Yes, my little man, we will go to the park today for a picnic." Bouncing off my bed he grabs my hand to lead me to the kitchen for breakfast. After making him a bowl of oatmeal we head back upstairs to get dressed. Since its September, we opt for long sleeve purple and black shirts, black skinny jeans, and black boots and grab our black vests to wear. Once we're back in the kitchen, I make PB&J sandwiches, two juice boxes for Justin, a water bottle for myself, some baby carrots and two packs of fruit snacks for Justin.

Five minutes later we've walked to the park. Once we've reached the edge of the park, I let go of Justin's hand so he can play. I sit the picnic basket down and wander over to Justin to play along with him.

"Daddy, push me, please?" He asks climbing on a swing. I gently push me for several minutes before he wants to play on the jungle gym. Climbing up behind Justin my phone vibrates. Stopping I pull it out from my back pocket. Unlocking my phone I see it's a text from Jarrod.

"Hey Quinn. It's Jarrod. I was wondering if we can meet up tomorrow?"

"Sure. Justin and I are going to walk to the park again tomorrow at 11 a.m. if you would like to meet us here? I can pack an extra sandwich or two for you?"

"I would love too! Let me pack the picnic lunch for tomorrow, please? What kind of sandwiches do you and Justin like?"

"Justin's favorite is PB&J. Me? I'm not picky. You don't have to though."

"I want too. It's a date between you, me and Justin. I'll see you both tomorrow at 11 a.m. Have a good day. Can't wait until tomorrow morning!"

"Can't wait either! See you tomorrow. 😊"

Putting my phone back I go back to Justin. We spend the next hour playing before Justin decides he's hungry. Sitting at the picnic table I unwrap Justin's sandwich handing it to him before unwrapping the rest of his food and opening his juice box.

We were almost done eating when I hear from behind us, "Quinn?" Justin and I turn and Jarrod is behind us walking toward us with a smile on his beautiful face.

"Hey, thought that was you." He turns to Justin and crouches down to Justin's level. "Hey, bud. You must be Justin. I'm Jarrod, I'm your daddy's friend."

Justin's face lights up in a smile. He nods eagerly. "Yup! I Justin!" Justin bounces a little in his seat. "You daddy's boyfriend?" Blushing like a mad man I look at Jarrod through my eyelashes. Jarrod chuckles as he gently ruffles Justin's hair.

"Not yet, bud, hopefully one day though," Jarrod flicks his eyes towards me and I can feel myself turning a darker shade of red. Jarrod glances up at me with a cocky smirk. Jarrod hung out with us for the next two hours before we decided to go for ice cream. Walking inside the ice cream parlor I ask Justin what kind of ice cream he wants.

"Strawberry, please!" Giggling I order his kids strawberry cone and my small twist cone. Jarrod orders himself a small chocolate. Jarrod surprises me by paying not only for his but ours as well.

Smiling I tell him gratefully, "Please, let me repay you."

"Nope," he says popping the 'p'. "My treat for crashing your day together."

Smiling as I feel a light blush climb across my cheeks. "Thank you."

After we finish our ice cream, Jarrod heads out as Justin and I walk home. The rest of the day as Justin naps I clean the apartment. After Justin woke up, we watched a couple of Disney movies; one before dinner and one during dinner. We ate macaroni and cheese with two hot dogs cut up in it. Justin's favorite dinner.

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