Chapter 4

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That night Jarrod stayed the night I asked him to stay and at first he was reluctant. I first thought was it was because of the neighborhood but it was because he didn't want me to feel rushed. I really like that he's passionate, charming and considerate of not rushing me.

In the last seven days, Jarrod has spent four nights at my apartment. I realize it may seem rushed but honestly Jarrod and I have connected on a level that amazes me. Justin has taken to Jarrod far better that I could have ever imagined or asked for. Jarrod has offered to be there for me when my siblings arrive this afternoon. I jumped at the chance to have him here. I feel the need to have his comforting presence with me.

I know it's selfish of me but I just need his comfort even though it's only my sister and brother but I'm filled with such anxiety about them changing their feelings about me or something going wrong. Jarrod spent last night so he is here when Trent and Ivy arrive today. Lying in bed with my head on Jarrod's chest I intertwine my fingers with his long skinny ones.

"Thank you for not rushing me," I whisper. I feel Jarrod move slightly. He takes his free hand and runs his fingers through my hair.

"Your welcome," his voice sexy with his sexy rough morning voice even though we've been up for an hour already.

Taking our intwined fingers he gently brushes my cheek. "Quinn, I will never rush you but you're welcome." Tilting my face upwards he gently kisses my lips.

We hear Justin giggle as his bounces into the room and onto the bed. "Daddy! Jarrod! Time to get up! Company coming today!" Taking Justin into my arms I tickle his stomach and I giggle myself as his giggles fill the room.

Stopping so he can catch his breath, I tell him, "Well, then we better get up, huh?"

Justin giggles as he gets down from the bed. "Yes daddy! Eat breakfast, daddy and papa!" he says before he leaves my room to head into the kitchen.

I gasp and look at Jarrod in surprise, his face mirrors mine. "Did he just call me papa?"

I nod still surprised but happy surprised. I hope Jarrod isn't pissed. "He did. I hope you're not mad."

"Quinn, how could I be mad? I absolutely love that he loves me and is comfortable with me." He climbs out of bed and offers me his hands and helps me out of bed. Jarrod leans down and gently kisses my lips before gently taking my hand in his and lead to the kitchen.

Justin's already at the table coloring and waiting patiently for his breakfast. Kissing the top of his head before asking him what he wanted for breakfast. He wants oatmeal, so oatmeal it is. "Daddy who coming today?" Justin asks me before taking a bite.

Smiling softly at him I answer. "My brother Trent and my sister Ivy. They're your uncle and aunt."

Justin smiles but I can tell somethings still bothering him. Before I can ask him he says, "What if they don't like me?"

I smile at him before ruffeling his hair. "They're going to love you, baby." He nods happily finishing his breakfast. Jarrod helps me wash the dishes after we finish eating. After playing with Justin, consuming lunch and having Justin nap, Ivy and Trent arrives.  My anxiety is running high.

There's a knock and I quickly check the peep hole top see Ivy and Trent. Quickly unlocking the door I let them in. To my surprise, it's not just my siblings but my mother as well. All three steep inside and I quickly shut and lock the door.

"Daddy is aunt and uncle here?" Justin asks as he comes from the living room with Jarrod carrying him. Glancing at them before looking back at my siblings and my mom in complete shock. I can't answer.

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