Chapter 5

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Its been a month since my mom and siblings were at my apartment. I've talked to my siblings every day since but not her. I can't. I won't. Thankfully Justin's sickness was just teeth coming in. Jarrod is coming over today when I get out of work and staying until Monday morning when we both have to go to work. I've always been excited to leave work but today I'm even more excited. Not only do I get to spend the next two and a half days with Justin but the love of my life as well. Jarrod is going to watch Justin for me on Sunday while I'm working. He said he wants to spend the day with Justin to bond with him even more.

I told Mrs. Preston this morning when I dropped Justin off that my boyfriend, yes, I said boyfriend, wants to spend the day with him Sunday. She was a little sad that she wasn't going to see her Justin until Monday but she was glad that he gets to spend the day with Jarrod, who she met and loved instantly. Jarrod had asked me to be his boyfriend the day my mom and siblings came to the apartment. Finally my shift ends.  As I walk out of work to head home, I see my wonderful boyfriend there to pick me up. Jarrod is leaning against the driver's side door of his car playing on his phone. 

Walking up to him I wrap my arms around his waist.  "Hi baby, I missed you."

Jarrod drops his arms around my waist with a grin and pulls me to his rock hard body with a smirk. "Hi baby, I missed you, too. How was work?"

Smirking I stand on my tip toes to peck his lips.  "It was good but didn't go fast enough. Can we go so we can get Justin from Granny, please?"

Jarrod chuckles in his deep baritone. Pulling my chin up he kisses me deeply before pulling away. "Let's go get our boy." I love that he says our boy. Makes my heart flutter. Jarrod walks me around to my side and opens the door for me. Smiling at him as I get in. A few minutes later we're at the apartment complex. Bouncing up to Mrs. Preston's apartment hand in hand with Jarrod as he chuckles at my energy.

I knock on the door to her apartment. I hear Justin squeal in excitement as Mrs. Preston opens the door. "Daddy!" Justin squeals launching himself into my arms.

"Hey baby. Have fun with Granny?"

"Yup!" His energy level is as high as mine. He turns to Jarrod. "Papa!" He says leaning toward Jarrod who I happily give him too and Jarrod takes with a grin as I dig out the money for her.

Mrs. Preston smiles brightly at us. "I hope the three of you have a wonderful weekend. See you guys Monday."

"Bye Granny," the three of us say as we head to my apartment.

As we sit in the living room coloring with Justin, Jarrod asks me quietly, "Quinn, can I take you and Justin out to dinner tonight?"

I look at him surprised. "Really?" he nods eagerly. Grinning I peck his lips before whispering a 'yes'.

Two hours later we're leaving the restaurant to head back to the  apartment. Jarrod is carrying Justin, who's definitely a Daddy and a Papa's boy. Love it! As we walk into the complex, gunshots ring out. Instinctively I curl myself around Jarrod and Justin. My body erupts in fire. Crying out in pain as I fall to the floor, I hear Justin and Jarrod call out to me as I pass out.

The next thing I hear is annoying beeping sounds. Groaning I open my eyes to slam them back shut because of the bright light. Slowly opening my eyes this time. I realize I'm in a hospital room and the annoying beeping sounds are the machines I'm hooked to. Groaning as I roll my head to my right I realize there is a small warm body laying snuggled up to my right side. Looking I see it's Justin. Reaching up with my left hand but stopping when I feel a pinch in my arm. Glancing at that arm to find three different needles tapped to it.

Looking back at Justin I realize there's a hand lying on my leg that belongs to Jarrod. Reaching down with my right hand I grab Jarrod's. Instantly Jarrod's head jerks up from the bed where he had it laying. "Quinn, baby I'm so glad you're awake!" He whisper-shouts with his groggy voice. 

"How long?" I croak out through my scratchy voice. Jarrod grabs a plastic cup with a straw and puts it to my lips as I'm taking a drink, realizing it's water.

"You've been in the hospital for three weeks." His voice cracks and tears spring in his eyes. "The bullet was lodged just below your heart. The doctor performed surgery and removed the bullet and you've been in a coma since."

"Were you or Justin hurt?" I whisper afraid of the answer.

"No love, we're both fine thanks to you." Jarrod leans forward to gently kiss my lips. I sigh in relief. I couldn't and can't handle if either got hurt. I need to find a better paying job so I can afford a safer place for Justin and I. Especially before Justin or Jarrod end up hurt or worse

"Love, I do have some bad news, well I think it's good news." Glancing up from Justin's sleeping face.

Jarrod takes a deep breath. "The State Housing Department condemned your apartment complex. Everyone has two months to relocate." I turn my head as I feel tears stream down my face. I don't want Jarrod to see me cry. I'm frustrated as Hell. I can't afford anywhere better.

"Love, please look at me," Jarrod asks softly. I turn my head as I wipe my eyes. "I want you and Justin to move in with me, please. I was going to ask you too anyway."

I can't help my tears that start falling again harder this time. "I would love, too. Thank you, love," I whisper.

Justin then stirs and jolts up right. His eyes flick to mine. His face and eyes light up in happiness. "Daddy! You done taking long nap?" he chirps.

Nodding as I smile at him and pull him closer to my chest. "Sure am buddy, I'm sorry I slept so long," I whisper into his hair.

Justin giggles as he snuggles into my chest and hugs me tighter. "Its okay. Love you, Daddy."

"I love you, too, Justin." I glance up at Jarrod who has a huge grin on his face. "I love you, Jarrod."

He grins before pressing his lips gently to mine. Whispering against my lips, "Love you, too Quinn. I can't wait for you two to move in. The sooner the better."

The doctor comes in to run a few tests and decides that I can leave in two days. I tell Justin that we're going to live with Jarrod and let's just say that my adorable little boy is excited to live with Jarrod. 

Jarrod and I decided that we will move in once I'm released.

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