Chapter 3

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A week later, I've talked to Jarrod either on the phone or by text every day since last Saturday. Either form of conversation with him, the conversations last for hours. I've learned quite alot about Jarrod. Like his favorite color is purple. His favorite food is pizza. He has two older brothers and two younger sisters and a younger brother. His older brothers are 23 years old and 25 years old. His younger sisters and brother are 19 years, 18 years and 16 years old respectively.

His mom died six years ago from a car accident. His dad owns and operates his own clothing line that him and his mother started thirty years ago. He's very close to his family and they're aware that Jarrod is gay and so is his youngest brother, Tommy. Jarrod also works for his father as does his oldest brother, Andrew and his 19 year old sister, Shelly. I'm glad that there are families out there they love and accept their children for who they are not what they expect or want them to be.

Over the last seven days I've also talked to my brother and sister every day as well. Ivy is a Junior in high school and Trent is a Sophomore. They both asked about Justin and I explained him enough that they accept him as their nephew.

They want to meet up with Justin and I the next day I have off. Jarrod and I have a date planned for today, so I told my siblings we could meet Justin and I at my apartment on next Saturday. They decided to tell the parents they were spending the day with friends on the next town on that day. Jarrod wants to have our date here at my apartment. I reluctantly agreed. We will see if he's serious about us after he sees where Justin and I live. Fingers crossed his doesn't care but we will see. I told him that I live in a bad part of town and he said he didn't care.

Currently Justin and I are finishing up breakfast before I wash the dishes. "Daddy?" Justin asks as he takes his last bite of oatmeal.

"Yes, Justin?" I ask washing every dish but his bowl, spoon and glass.

"Is pretty man coming here today?" he asks as he hands me his dishes.

I smile at him as I chuckle. Taking his dishes and placing them in the water before I squat down to his level. "Yes, Jarrod is coming here today. Why?"

He cocks his head at me as he grins. "I like him. He nice. Can he meet Granny?"

I smile thankful he likes Jarrod. If we decide to date, this will make it eaiser.  "I like him, too. Perhaps he can meet Granny. We will see if he wants to okay. Why don't you go play in the living room for a while before we get ready for pretty man to arrive?"

Justin grins as he runs off. Standing back up I finish the dishes before wiping the table and stove off.  Humming to myself as I finish, I hear my phone vibrate. Wiping my hands off, I see it's from Ivy.

"Hey Quinny! How are you and Justin? We're a go to meet next Saturday?"

"Hey Ivy. Justin and I are good. Yeah. I'll send you my address. I have to warn you it's a tough neighborhood. If you need gasoline stop four  blocks before my apartment. Do not get out of your car until you get to my place, okay. You and Trent are not known here."

"Cheese and rice! Quinn, leave that place and come back home. It's not safe for you and Justin."

Sighing as I answer her. "You know I can't come back there. I don't want to deal with mom and dad. I can't allow him to have hos negativity around Justin."

There is a few minute pause before Ivy answers. "Quinn, mom feels horrible for what happened. She misses you and she would to know Justin."

"I miss mom, too, but I can't have dad around him. He would confuse Justin."

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