Disco Night

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After I saw that a few people liked the 1st part of the story, I wrote a new part. Today I wasn't in a big writing mood, but I wrote a bit...ofc it's terrible like always....











Btw, on the pic is my OC Nina ---------------------------->


Nina's POV

"Can't we just go home?" I asked quite annoyed by the whole club thing.

"What did you say?" Sofija asked yelling, "I can't hear you! The music is too loud!"

"Can we go home?!" I yelled rolling my eyes.

"No! Come on! Don't be like that, have some fun!"  Hana answered yelling.

"I don't want to!" I pouted and walked to the DJ, hoping the girls don't bother me.

After a while the girls found me pouting and wanted me to come with them, before I felt a hand tapping my shoulder. I turned around and faced the DJ who took his headphones off and explained something. I didn't understand anything, but I guess the girls did because they took my hand and they walked with me to a platform that was a few meters higher than the dancefloor. I looked around and saw all the people dancing and drinking. I turned to the girls who were dancing too so I danced too. We had much fun till something happened. Suddenly, Sofija stepped on my foot and I lost balance and fall down. I was so scared that I would fall on the hard floor and hit my head, that I closed my eyes and waiting for my death, so I didn't feel that  someone caught me. 

I was still having my eyes closed when I heard Hana's voice calling my name, then I slowly opened my eyes and saw the other girls standing near me worried. I shoke my head and turned around to see who caught me. The only thing I could concentrate were a pair of dark brown eyes who were staring at me.

"Hey..." I said with my eyes widen.

"Hi..."  He greeted with a bit deep voice.

"Thanks for catching me." I said smiling shy.

"You're welcome" He smiled back, "By the way, my name's Joon"

"I'm Nina" I simply added

I was looking into then for a few moments till I remembered why I fell. I turned to Sofija and looked at her angry, still not moving away from the boy who caught me.

"I could be dead by now Sofija!" I yelled trying to calm myself down, because I don't want to kill her right here.

"I'm sorry, but you just don't dance very well." She answered smirking cocky.

"I'll kill you!!" I tried to move away so I can reach her, but then I felt a hand on my butt.

"What the hell?" I asked and turned around to see the boy who caught me shocked and his mouth opened. I saw that he didn't did that on purpose, but I was so mad that I didn't care about that.

"Sorry" He apologized quite scared.

"Why did you touch my butt?!" I almost yelled looking mad at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I-" He apologized, but I cut him off, "Whatever! I'm out of here." I said and walked to the door.

I was so pissed about everything that happened this day, I just wanted to go home. I missed my mom and dad so much that I started to cry a bit. I wanted to go when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the boy who touched my butt with a worried face. I wipped my tears fast so he couldn't see them and got up looking at him annoyed.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to-" He began but I cut him off again, "I don't want to hear it, just leave me alone!"

"But your-" He wanted to speak again but I didn't let him finish, "No but! Leave me alone!" I added and walked away.

I wanted to what he wanted because he was actually very cute, but my ego didn't let me, so I just took a taxi and drove home and went to bed.

Sofija's POV

I felt a bit sorry for my sister for almost hitting her head, but she shouldn't freaked out because the boy touched her butt and the boy was hot so that was even a plus. Even thought he was hot, I saw some other boy who was hotter and I guess he was his friend because they talked before the butt touching guy run away. 

"Should we go see if she's okay?" Ieva asked quite worried.

"Don't worry about that, she'll be fine with Joon" A brown haired boy said walking to us.

"If you say so..." Hana added.

"Wanna have a drink with us?" The boy I was staring at asked us. Even his voice was hot.

"Umm..sure..." Ieva answered unsure.

After a few drinks we sat together on a big white couch at the corner of the club. I sat near the boy who's name was..... and who I thought was hot. It was dark in the club so we couldn't see each other very well. Suddenly I felt a hand on my knee moving slowly up my leg. My eyes widen, but then calmed down after I realized that this hand was Seungho's.

I smirked and thought of a plan:

"Umm...i got to go to the toliet." I said, moved his hand away from my leg and winked at him.

"Yeah sure I'll show you were it is." He said getting up, taking my hand and walking to me to the toliet. 

We walked into the men's room and I smirked at him. He pushed me against the bathroom door and looked around to see if anyone was here, after he saw that we were alone he smirked at me and I smirked back.

"Hi" He greeted what made me smile.

"Hey."  I giggled and in that moment he kissed me. 

I kissed him back deeply, trying to move my lips with his pace. Seungho all over the place: sucking my top lip, nibbling my bottom lip, sliding his tongue in between to got into my mouth.

I explored his mouth as he did. He pushed me against the wall again with more force. I smirk a bit into the kiss because I realized he's actually a very good kisser.

His hands move to my waist and pull me closer to him, but his lips travel down my jawline as he begins to suck and barely touching his tongue against my skin. I shivered a bit at the contact and squeeze my eyes.

He then starts kissing down my neck, finding my sweet spot. I gasped and bite down on my bottom lip. His hands were now on my butt moving my dress up.

"SOFIJA!" I froze as I saw Hana standing there with Mir who was shocked but smirked after he saw was going on. He showed Seungho a thumb up, but hidden so Hana couldn't see it and that made us giggle. Hana wasn't so cool, she was pissed and walked in the bathroom.

"What the hell is going on?"  She asked angry.

"Nothing...we were just-"  Seungho tried to explain but Hana cut him off, "I don't want to hear it! Let's go home!" She pulled my wrist away and walked fast with me out. I showed ....that I'll call him and smiled.

"Bye guys!" Hana said and pulled Ieva with her too and we run out of the club.

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