where are your law books?? (emmett forrest x reader)

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a/n: a small little oneshot to start us off
im absolutely in love with christians character in legally blonde so here it is
enjoy :^)))

"Hey Emmett, wait up!" you called out to the lanky young man as you try and catch up to him. With finals approaching soon, you seriously needed some help with your studies, so why not try working with one of the smartest students in your class? From what you could tell, Emmett seemed like a nice guy, a bit of a smartass but otherwise pretty nice. Even with the small amount of chemistry you two shared, you were pretty sure he wouldn't turn down your proposal.

Hearing your voice, Emmett stopped in his tracks and turned around, a smile lighting up on his face when he saw it was you. "Oh, well if it isn't Callahan's favorite student! So what's up?" He shoved his hands in his jean pockets, eyeing you with a smirk.

You approached him and laughed, rubbing the back of your neck. "Uh, nothing much. So what are you doing after school today?"

"Well.. I was planning on heading back home to do some studying before finals. What about you?"

"Yeah, I was gonna ask.. do you mind helping me study some before finals? Please? If you're not too busy.." you ask, almost begging. Emmett eyed you, considering for a second before nodding his head.

"Sure, why not? Does the library sound good to you?"

"All my books are at my place, can you just meet me there after school?"

"Alright. I'll see you there." And with a wave goodbye, he was gone, and you quickly head off to get prepared for one of the most boring nights in your life.


"Okay, so.. define judicial discretion," he goes over for what seems like the twentieth time, glancing over at you. You blink.


".. The power of the judge to make decisions on some matters without being bound by precedent or strict rules established by statutes," he reads for you, closing the textbook in his hand. "You've gotten four right so far. So tell me, how did you manage to get into this school again?"

"Will you stop? I'm trying my best here!"

"I can tell." He looks at the clock on your wall. "It's been over an hour and you haven't learned a single thing. Should I just go ahead and leave?"

You shake your head. "No, just give me a second. I just need more time."

"Finals are in less than two weeks, this is all the time you're gonna get."

"Okay, fine," you groaned. "Just give me some easy ones first."

"Alright.." He opened back up his textbook and flipped through a few pages. "Define bail for me."

You rolled your eyes. "It's, um, the money put up to secure the release of someone who has been a crime."

"That's correct."

"You see? I'm not that stupid."

"Sure." He chuckled. "I think your looks outway your smarts."

".. I don't know if that was an insult or a compliment."

"Think of it as both." Embarrassed by his own words, he shuts the textbook before standing up, brushing himself off. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to head home."

You frown. "But we barely got anything done tonight!"

"That's your problem, not mine." He heads for the door. "Listen, I'll come over tomorrow with some new stuff we can look over, alright?"

You hadn't even mentioned him coming over tomorrow, but you rolled with it anyway, giving him a smile. "Okay. Thank you, by the way. I had fun tonight."

He replies with a generous smile before exiting the room and closing the door behind him, leaving you with a massive amount of studying to do before tomorrow comes.

apologies for making this so small but hopefully my next few chapters will be longer than this one
hope you enjoyed this! any comments/criticisms you have are welcomed! thanks!

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