play on- part two (william shakespeare x reader)

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You had thought everything would've been fine after what happened in that office. You thought he would've ignored you the next day and you would go on with your life like nothing had ever happened. You thought that it would've been the last time you both would do that sort of thing. But no, of course not. This was William Shakespeare we're talking about. And he always got what he wanted.

But things didn't go exactly how you thought they would go. It was a few more days later when things started acting strange around the workplace. At first it was the staring; during concerts, at the office, during meetings, anywhere where there was an audience involved. Then came the winking, the "accidental" bumping into you, the hand grazing during meetings, the dirty whispering in your ear, everything. And it was driving you absolutely insane.

As much as you tried to ignore it, the memories of that day came flooding back to you each time you were in the same room as Will. You could clearly remember what all happened; you could still feel his hands in your hair, his lips on yours, the strong scent of sweat and leather filling the room, the feel of him inside you. You couldn't help but ask yourself what exactly you wanted from the man. Was there anything more to this relationship, or were you both going to eventually stop all this nonsense and go on with your lifes? Was there a good reason why you kept replaying those lewd memories in your head? Were you really falling for Shakespeare himself?

One of your coworkers eventually noticed the strange behavior coming from you two, and decided to bring it up to you one day once you were alone.

"What's up with you and the boss lately?" he had asked, giving you a look. You raise a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"You guys are acting funny. Something wrong?"

You swallow down the warm phlegm rising in your throat and stare down at the floor beneath you. "Well.. kinda, yeah." No point in lying about it. You were sure most people were already starting to suspect something.

"Well.. what happened? Did he fuck you?"

Your eyelids shot up in an instand and you look over at him. "Excuse me?"

He let out a laugh. "Well, did he?"

You sighed. "Yes, William Shakespeare totally fucked me," you deadpanned, staring off in the distance.

The room was filled with silence for a few minutes. You weren't sure what to say, what could you even say about this? After a moment the man cleared his throat and turned to look at you.



".. Just do whatever you want, alright? Life's too short to worry about that shit."

You slowly nod your head, understanding what he was getting at. After you gave your thanks, you quickly exited the room, eager to find wherever your boss was.

As you left, a voice called out to you, "Have fun."


You never thought you would get nervous standing in front of your boss' door, but here you were. You ask yourself, was this even worth it? What even was going to happen once you opened that door? What the hell were you planning on doing anyway?

Ignoring your negative thoughts, you push the door open, stepping inside. To your luck, only Will was in the room and no one else. Once you entered the office he glanced up from his papers and gave you a smile.

"Oh, you're here!" he cheered, rising up from his chair, walking around to you. "It's been so long since we've been alone together, not since you and I decided to-"

"Will?" You step up to him. He looks at you.


"Just shut up and kiss me."

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