a spy (willy wonka x reader)

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You never thought you would be called up to Mr. Wonka's office randomly one day, but here you were, sitting in an uncomfortable wooden chair fiddling your thumbs around waiting for your boss to come up and talk to you. You didn't understand; you did your job well, boxing up chocolate into trucks to be shipped out daily, and you always treated your coworkers nicely. So what were you doing up here? What did Mr. Wonka want from you?

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted as you heard the door open and close behind you, and you turned in your seat to see your boss, Willy Wonka himself. He didn't even bat an eye at you as he walked over to his desk and sat down in his purple seat, letting out a sigh.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he said, eyes rising up to meet yours. "Something came up and I had to go check it out."

"No worries, sir," you spoke in a quiet tone. He scooted his chair up closer to the desk and let his arms rest on the sides of his chair, eyeing you suspiciously before glancing up at the clock.

"I know it's getting close to closing time, but I won't keep you in here too long. Don't worry." He gives you a wink before leaning over the desk towards you. "Now tell me, what's it like working for my factory?"

"Well.." You pause for a split second. What was he getting at? "I've enjoyed it. Everyone seems nice here, and.." you trailed off, unsure of what to say next. Thankfully he lets it slide and goes on with another question.

"I've noticed you've made a lot of friends here, especially the ones making the chocolates. Isn't that right?"

Oh fuck. He's definitely onto you. You nod your head slowly. "That's right, sir."

"I think you've been getting a little bit too close with some of our workers. Maybe asking for some specific information from them, like.. let's say, some of our recipes?"

You open your mouth to say something but you're interrupted as he slams a fist on the desk. "Admit it, you're a spy!" he cries out.

You stare up at him blankly before responding, "Yes."

He smiles. "Well, that's-"

"A communist spy."

"-That's.. uh.. excuse me?"

You reach down into your boot and pull out a handgun, rising up from your seat and cocking it. "Now that you know, I must kill you."

Before he has time to react, you aim the gun towards his chest and pull the trigger, sending a bullet straight through him. At an instant, hundreds of rats start pouring out from his jacket and pants and scurry out of the room, leaving nothing but his hat and his clothes. As all the rats leave the room, a single tear falls from the corner of your eye down your face.

"I did it.." you murmur, "for Mother Russia."

I'm back bitches

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