oh no, he's hot (christian borle x reader)

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a/n: finally decided to write about my baby boy

"Oh, come on, don't be like that! This party will be good for you!"

You rolled your eyes. "Ugh, as if." Instead of staying at home and binge-watching Netflix for two hours straight like you planned on doing, you got dragged to some loud house party some kid was hosting. You and your friend were currently walking down the street, and even though the place was still two blocks away, you swore you could hear shitty mainstream music playing and drunken yelling not too far off.

"Just try and pretend like you're having some fun, alright? This really means a lot to me." They nudged your arm, wigging their eyebrows seductively. "Besides, I heard some of the ensembles here are single."

Right, this party was supposed to be for some musical that you had no part of but still got invited to. You scoffed, "Yeah, and they're probably all gay too."

"Not all of them! One of the leads is single and straight." They smirk.

"Oh really? And who's that?"

"His name's Christian Borle, I think."

"I've never heard of him." He sounded like a loser.

"Look him up! He's pretty cute."

"I'm not taking your word on that. Let's just get to this party." Yeah, the sooner we get here, the faster we can leave, you think to yourself. You could already tell this was going to be a rough night.


An hour and two thumbs down into liquor bottle later, you made your way around the house, admiring the blobs of unrecognizable faces around you. Your friend had decided to make you go around and meet someone new, but you guessed that was their way of making you leave them alone. Not that you mind, the bottle in your hand was way more fun then they would've been. Being so distracted, you didn't even notice the guy standing right next to you until you accidentally knock into him, sending your bottle flying out of your hand and onto the floor.

"Shit. Sorry," you apologize, looking over at the damage. The guy gives you a warming smile.

"It's alright, no worries. Here-" He reaches down to snatch up your bottle from the floor.

"Thanks-" You reach out to take it, only for the man to place it out of your reach.

"I think that might be enough for you for tonight."

You scoff. "Who says?"

"I do." He grins. "The name's Christian."

You blink. "Oh. Borle, right?"

"Oh, so you've heard of me!"

"Well, only an hour ago from a friend, if I can be honest." You take a moment to get a better look at him. Oh, he wasn't actually that bad looking. Chinless but still kinda cute. Maybe your friend has better taste after all.

He laughs, deep and wholeheartedly. "Yeah, I guess I'm not that rememberable. Are you in the cast? I've never seen you around before."

"I'm not, but my friend is. They just thought it'll be fun to drag me along to this thing."

"Ah. Are you having fun then?"

"Sure. It's better to have an actual conversation with someone cool than to walk around bored out of your mind, I guess."

"I'm glad I've finally reached that high of being considered cool then." He flashes a smile at you, and you smile back in return. Okay, so he totally wasn't a loser.

"Listen," he speaks up, "I was thinking about going up on the roof to get some fresh air. Would you like to join me?"

"Please!" you groaned. "It's boring down here."

He gives you a smile in response and you both begin walking towards the door leading up to the stairs. On your way there, you caught your friends eye and they gave you a wink once they spot you and Christian together. You stick your tongue out at them childlike in response before entering the door.

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