Day 28- someone who changed my life

28 1 0

A/N: I realized this lady changed my life when I ran into her this last weekend. The sight of her just put a huge grin on my face. It brought back a lot of memories. :)

Pat :

YOU HAVE GOT TO FIGURE OUT HOW AWESOME YOU ARE. FOR GOODNESS SAKES. I don't know if I can think of anyone else in the community that I respect and honor more. You've been a surrogate grandma to practically everyone in the school system. And yet you still remember me, even now that I only see you every year or two. I don't know how you do it, but I hope I can be half the woman you are someday.

I remember how whenever you saw me in the halls you would single me out and be sure to tell me hola before we got to lunch or class or wherever we were going. Looking back, I can't even remember exactly what you did at school. Were you a counsler? A special ed. teacher? I just know you shaped part of who I am. I know I'm not the only one who will never forget you.

You're one of those great ladies who may not be the prettiest at first impression, but the more you get to know them, you can't help but think they're beautiful. That's how you are. You're special. Thanks for making me feel special. I've never met anyone quite like you, and I think I can speak for the town when I say that they haven't either. We will always respect and honor you. Love and sincerity,

Isabelle :)

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