What kind of Man would I be?

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ANOTHER EVENING spent with friends sounded like the medicine I deserved. Having a great time and enjoying life for all that it was worth sounded even sweeter. Work had been exhausting, yet, very fulfilling to say the least. I did what I loved on the daily and without explanation. I lived unapologetically with a party animal for a best friend, and a boss who—unlike many I had in the past—actually enjoyed doing things outside of the office with his employees. With a look and flirtatious man that he was, being around him more than usual could be a dangerous thing. But as I said, we were young, we lived unapologetically.

Arriving at a festival with Blair at my side a quarter to seven became the tip of our fun iceberg. Young men and women toasting and enjoying many different alcoholic drinks from blue, green, and rainbow, filled the air with the cheeriest cry of Monday morning hangovers.

Recommended by our one of a kind boss, and a few coworkers around the office, Blair and I set out to enjoy a relaxing night with drinks, and friends. Being skeptical wasn't something I held onto for long. Once someone mentioned free drinks, I was down.

"You think they're here already?" Blair tightened the grip around my fingers as we pushed through the crowd.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe? Marco's never late to anything last time I checked."

Blair laughed. "Especially when it comes to sweet booze."

"One of the greatest drinkers I know." I snickered a laugh, awaiting the realization of the insult I just served her.

Blair slapped my arm with a grimace, "Don't you dare put anyone above me on your greatest drinkers list. I might as well put Beth Stringer above you on the list of 'greatest people I know."

"Yeah right. Like she can beat me on that list. She's two people below me, tops." Blair shook her head without a word.

Mean, possibly? Maybe. But hey, no one must insult my greatest ranking on my best friends list. It's just not happening.

Deeper into the growing crowd, Blair and I surveyed the area for that beautiful specimen of a man and possibly a few more of our peers among them. Summery dresses and shorts clothe the many as if winter wasn't just around the corner. And yet, Blair was able to talk me into a flowy blue maxi dress and black four-inch pumps to compliment my long legs and gym built physic. I didn't bother arguing with her because where ever the conversation went, I was in the dress either way. She had a special way of making me see things her way, apparently.

"Syn, there they are." Blair's voice and pointing finger held my thoughts in a chokehold. I turned into that direction, parting through bodies and laughter to find exactly who we were looking for, and a few others to fill the space. "Oh, I see Anthony came too. Great! Now you have a distraction."

A distraction from my distraction? Great. Exactly what the doctor ordered

"The ladies have finally arrived!" I heard Marco's voice among a few others that welcomed our arrival. Beth and Anthony two of which stood out the most.

"Sorry, guys. Syn and I needed proper time to create masterpieces." Blair hung onto me as if alcohol was already in her system. Or, she was just preparing for the future. One will never really know when Blair was involved.

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