Syncear"I CAN'T believe you're doing this. A call would've worked out just fine." Fiddling with the one opportunity to speak freely and that was what I came up with.
I knew better than to assume she cared about much regardless if she wanted to re-convince me. Ida obviously had a motive to bring me here. How she managed to get me a complete mystery of its own. Her small frame and scrawny arms looked able to carry just as much a case of water. If that.
So there is no way she carried my unconscious body out of that house.
The same house that was armed with the home security that should've alerted Boston right away.
That is, if it wasn't unarmed first.
My brain aches.
Her emotions harshly contorted the unbothered glare she once had. "Don't think for one second seeing your face is satisfying." She barked."That's hard to believe. I'm here, aren't I?" Woah, where the hell did that stem from? Did my mouth adopt a new tongue while I wasn't looking? Hell, should've exchanged the nerve wreaking heart to match.
From what I'd come to learn about her, she didn't fancy being put under question.
"I don't remember you being this brave the first time we met. Something's definitely gotten into you. And for your sake, I hope it wasn't my Boston."
That woman is crazy. Skip crazy, insane. My mind couldn't even come close to thinking about. . . I couldn't. I wouldn't. Our relationship was nothing like that. If it was a relationship at all.
The fright of even thinking about it, I tried my hand at my restraints, coming to a discovery. Locked tight were noisy metal handcuffs cutting the valuable layers of my wrists and also tiring the muscles in my arms.
So much for squeezing my hands through.
"No point in trying, girly. You're not going anywhere."
Thanks! Like I didn't already notice.
She turned to me, eyes sparkling with a mischievous glimmer. "Before I proceed on with our game, I need to search you."
"Search me for what?"
Out of reaction, I jolted in my seat to prevent her from coming any closer to ever putting her grubby hands on me.
"Stop resisting!"
Yeah, like that ever worked.
I had nothing she could be remotely interested in so I wasn't going to give her something to find an interest in.
She balled her fist and just when I thought I'd won, she swung a direct blow to my nose, knocking my head back onto the backrest of my chair.
For a moment I sore I saw stars. Bright yellow, blue, purple. I swore I heard the crackle of bone. I swore my nose was gusting.
Damn this girl has a hand on her!
While she left me dazed and out of the moment, she searched my person without any more resistance on my part. I still had no idea what could cause her to be so hostile towards me. The glares, the stares everything wanting to create and end the mystery all in one day. I owned nothing of possible interest. Nothing to cause this much anger.
That's what I thought until I heard a long satisfied sigh escape her lips.
So she did find something of interest.

Pointed Gun
RomanceHave you ever seen a play? Watching actors parade around a stage reciting made up lines to entertain an audience, or walk away in tears when the boos and hurtful comments came flying at their sometimes horrible performance. Have you ever experienced...