SyncearTHE SUN was up, and so was I. Overwhelmed with thoughts of my abductor being mysterious beyond what I first anticipated tore holes through my mind. He could've murdered me right on the spot. But instead, he decided to collect me like a pawn in a chess match. Not a single clue of what he could've wanted came to mind. It wasn't like I had any super sensitive nuclear codes or money. Not that he needed any. Staring at his house was very self-explanatory.
I could buy my apartment thousand times over with the single price of furniture in his living room.
I sighed. Head packed with sleep-deprived worries and uncertainty. I wanted to believe that this was all just a bad dream or some sick joke. I wanted to close my eyes and wake up in my own bed, free of this disaster. I wanted to feel safe again.
I turned to my side. Curling my freezing fingers under my head protectively. The alarm clock presenting the time in big white numbers. 7:35 am. I'd be sitting behind my new desk by now. Blair indulging herself in my company instead of actually doing her own to-do list for the day. A simply silly woman she was. Sometimes completely self-absorbed and fragile. Gorgeous and ugly all at the same time. My best friend she was.
I giggled at the sight of her body shot full of anything Starbucks and blueberry muffins every morning for the last three months. I'd always preferred gas station coffee and banana nut muffins myself, but I could never knock her for her tastes. The reason we were inseparable in the first place. She loved and did weird things that I loved. I was completely sane and she adored me all the same.
You see that? It was called a sweet compromise.
I yawned, sinking deeper into the sheets. I couldn't bear holding my eyes open any longer. I was glad I hadn't drank my ass off last night to withstand a hangover in the morning. God knew I had enough problems to deal with right now.
Closing my eyes, I slowly drifted off into the void of sleep. Sighing away today's worries for now.
"DARLING, it's time to wake up." Although I managed to stay in a deep sleep, his voice still found a way to invade my mind.
No, no, please no!
"Please, don't make me." I begged. Eyes sealed.
"I've granted you enough time to sleep, now you need to get up." I could sniff it in his voice. The impatient side of him slowly creeping.
You don't want to make him angry, stupid. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.
I grunted. Digging up every ounce of strength I'd regained, stretching. I glanced at the clock and fall surprised at what I saw. 2:30 pm? I couldn't recall the last time I woke that late. Even on the weekends and days off, I was always the early bird that chased the worm.
That was the proper saying, right?
"I hope you slept well, Kitten. We have things to do today." I glared at the being standing at the foot of the bed. Short black hair wild and dripping at the strands. His face adoring a pale pink tint. Typically the glow from a fresh hot shower. Obviously done while I was sleeping. What if he watched me sleep? I was never one of the pretty sleepers. Usually sleeping wide-mouthed and drooling.

Pointed Gun
RomanceHave you ever seen a play? Watching actors parade around a stage reciting made up lines to entertain an audience, or walk away in tears when the boos and hurtful comments came flying at their sometimes horrible performance. Have you ever experienced...