SyncearI AWOKE to the glint of moonlight brightening the sky through the bedroom window. The lamp to the left on the nightstand still ablaze in the room, signifying that I'd accidentally fallen asleep during my early hours of insomnia. Yawning, I participated in a long line of stretching seizures.
The best way to stretch, obviously.
Glancing over at the little clock, I groaned.
4:15? Seriously? Can I not get a full nights rest at least one of these stupid nights?
Thinking sleepily as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.
After what happened last night, I only wish I could rid my head of it so effortlessly.
Boston actually kissed me. And for a second I'd found myself kissing back just as eagerly. Twisted at its best. Nothing that man had ever done made a lick of sense.
I yawned again, my brain exhausted just thinking about it.
Sleeping for a few hours was hardly enough recharge to part me from the corrupted side that'd fallen victim for his charms and intoxicating looks. Every aspect of my night seeming to test my sanity with each passing moment.
Maybe I dreamt every detail of last night and I was yet to figure that out. Last thing I remembered, I was reading a twisted romance novel and my mind could've easily made that all up. A believable explanation for it, right?
Despite myself and the time of night, sleep was the farthest thing on my mind. Finding something else to indulge my time sounded so much more tempting. Maybe Spider—whose name I'd learned from his dog collar—skipped out on sleep as well. Maybe we could share some quality time together.
I think he's actually starting to like me.
With that quest in mind, I pushed back the sheets and hopped to my feet. My bare toes were freezing. Yet, even thinking about wearing socks all day just wasn't my thing. And plus, with the shortage of my personal belongings, I didn't know how I was possibly surviving.
Heading down the stairs, the bright light in the kitchen caught and held all my startled attention. Instantly ruling Boston out because he wasn't usually home around this hour, I got to thinking.
Unless Spider learned how to strut on his hind legs, switch on the light, and cook, the speculation of a super dog became as far fetched as my entire life was a dream.
Looking over to Spider's kennel from the last step just to double-check, his fluffy white tail wagged an excited dance, though his adorable face frowned with exhaustion. I would be lying if I didn't say I prayed it to be him.
So if not Spider, then who?
"Oh hell, you nearly scared the pee outta me!" Ryder appeared across the room at Spider's kennel with two doggy dishes in hand. One water and the other his favorite kibble and bone for being such an excellent boy since my stay.
Surprise, surprise. Another human.
All I could do was stand back open-mouthed as Ryder laid the bowls in their particular places before allowing him access by unlatching the door.

Pointed Gun
RomantikHave you ever seen a play? Watching actors parade around a stage reciting made up lines to entertain an audience, or walk away in tears when the boos and hurtful comments came flying at their sometimes horrible performance. Have you ever experienced...