BostonSYNCEAR CREATED migraines that not even the best painkillers could cure. Having to be aggressive just to get her to listen made my life worse and the migraines, unpleasant. Having to use force just so she would stay in line and understand who not to question wasn't how I wanted to spend my days above ground. Sure, it would take a bit of training before the actual reality of the situation kicked in, I knew that. I just had to be patient with her. I could do that.
I could try to do that.
Throughout the entire drive to our next stop, it was difficult not to stare. Watching her from the corner of my eye as discreetly as I possibly could, almost made it that much worst. She would never truly understand why she was here and I never had the intention to tell her either way. The only thing she needed to know was that she wasn't getting away and to adjust.
"Do you have a habit for places like this?" Hearing her talk after twenty or so minutes of complete silence, I turned to her and our eyes met. A soft brown adored hers. Despite what was there before this.
Ushering her to my side, I replied. "Do you?"
"You can't answer a question with another question, you know?"
"Why not?" I replied, all evidence that I was trying to be a smart ass clear on my face.
Syncear groaned an aggravated sigh. I chuckled.
Spite my moment of play with her, I'd thought the idea would be obvious. One didn't go to a quiet little bar just to sit down and do nothing. You simply came to enjoy yourself with a shit ton of beer to drown your problems and what have you.
When she didn't say anything more and we walked in silence, I really took a nice long look at her after trying to restrain from it. Her attire was gratifying, to say the least. Not to mention her beautiful curly hair hanging off her shoulders and onto my jacket brought out her face. And that dress that caught just about every eye from the moment we stepped in made me want to hold my breath. I was glad I gave her my coat to prevent any wondering looks. Those assholes didn't know how to keep their eyes to themselves. Despicable.
Luckily though, there weren't many people here to completely ruin the mood I'd planned to maintain. Only a few young women with guys around the same age sitting and drinking close to the entrance. The guy working behind the bar, obviously not bombarded with a series of orders. And lastly, a middle-aged drunk seated at the counter who didn't seem to pay any one of us a mind as we sauntered through the building.
Good for him.
"You still haven't answered my question." Syncear reminded me as we occupied the seats I picked farther off in the back of the place. What a great memory. She was learning.
"I appreciate silence." Was all that I said. Thankfully she was beginning to understand my authority as she responded with what I appreciated most. Drowning the rest of her attention into the menu that was already set to the table, I watched her.
Trying to decide if I should say something instead. I didn't do small talking. I wasn't good at it and wasn't trying to master the task either. You did that between associates or first dates. She was neither. The only purpose I wanted her to serve right now was the company. I didn't always enjoy being alone. Only when someone pissed me off and I needed a serious cool down for a few hours then I was usually fine.

Pointed Gun
RomanceHave you ever seen a play? Watching actors parade around a stage reciting made up lines to entertain an audience, or walk away in tears when the boos and hurtful comments came flying at their sometimes horrible performance. Have you ever experienced...