SyncearTHE PERSISTENT pounding in my head made it so unbearable to sleep much more. Moans and groans slipping through my parted lips as I laid there unable to move, or think straight. I couldn't recall much of what happened before. The only details coming to mind being the amazing night I planned with my friends and. . .Not much more or less than that.
I must've really knocked some wires loose.
While trying to launch my memories, I shifted under the weight of my own body in an attempt to rub the throbbing patch on my head. But I was faced with force against my sore wrists. Tight and slightly unbearable when matched with the other aches in my body.
The hell? I thought I'd mumbled the words into the dark surrounding every bit of me. Not much movement besides the shuffles I was creating on the soft surface I laid on. I was on a bed. Indicated by freezing sheets beneath me. Or, at least I prayed they were sheets.
By now it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize what I needed to do. To figure out where I was and how the hell I could break free of whatever restraint held me back.
Until I heard a voice. Traveling down a hall and through the walls. Nearer and heavier.
My bones locked at the sound of that voice. It was familiar. The accent and deepness hurling a ball toward the pins in my mind. Nonetheless, it didn't help much.
"Does it matter how it happened? It happened."
The man speaking was clearly angered. The evidence sold by the way the door slammed against the wall and his voice dimmed. It didn't help that my bones began to rattle inside me so loud that I was afraid he would hear em'. Trembling taking its course in my sweaty palms and my mind sprinting farther from where I needed it at that moment.
"Since when did I answer to you? I know what I'm doing here. Don't question me, Ry."
As his voice shattered my fear meter, I strained a gazed toward the last direction I'd heard him. Finding that his phone screen had lit up and broke some of the darkness in half, I was granted the opportunity to catch a quick glimpse of his face. It wasn't much that I could go off of, so some of the information I chucked to the bin.
Without knowing whether his attention was toward me or away—not that neither of us could see past the black—I tried everything in my power to reach the end of the bed without making any noise that would draw the predator to his prey. I moved in slow sliding motions with just my legs and arms. My eyes trying to help but, they only seemed to be getting in the way at that point.
"Does it matter?" Continuing to converse with whoever it was on the other line, his attention was nowhere near me just long enough to make a smooth and quiet getaway.
A smooth and quiet getaway. Sounded easy enough.
After a few agonizingly slow seconds of controlled breathing and hip scooting, I felt the edge of the mattress with my toes. Keep in mind that I had no idea how high up I really was. Either I would make it down safely, or meet my chilling demise with another bump to the head. Either one, in my opinion, would be better than whatever that man had planned for me.
"Look, Ry, if you don't like how I do my business then fine. But I—" Suddenly, his sentence held frozen in mid-air. My heart leaping from my chest as the striking sound of something metal bounced to what sounded to be a wood flooring. I felt death.

Pointed Gun
RomanceHave you ever seen a play? Watching actors parade around a stage reciting made up lines to entertain an audience, or walk away in tears when the boos and hurtful comments came flying at their sometimes horrible performance. Have you ever experienced...