All The Stars

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The Ball room seemed to glow with thousands of stars as you walked in. You didn't know where you were. It seemed as if you had floated into a dream. You pinched yourself as you glided down the stairs. The Burgundy runner emphasized the elegance as you ventured further into the room.

All eyes fell on you as people noticed you weren't from here. Wherever here was. People whispered in a strange language all around you. You took a deep breath and smiled as you glided over towards a table. As you sat people began to resume dancing and laughing as everyone forgot about the foreigner.

You managed to flag down a waiter and grabbed a champagne for yourself and watched the dancing couples float across the floor. You were in awe of the people and music surrounding you. You seriously hoped this wasn't just a dream.

After an hour of observation, you noticed a door leading to a balcony grabbing your drink and purse you followed the cool breeze. You stared out at the gorgeous landscape. The city a perfect mix of old and new. Skyscrapers far surpassing any you'd ever seen before.

"It's breathtaking," you whispered.
"I think so too. You never get used to it," you jumped and dropped your glass as a man stepped out of the shadows." I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized as he rushed over  to help you pick up the glass.

"It's fine," you smiled, " I was lost in my own little world."
You laughed as he extended his hand,
"Kaia Anderson ," you smiled, " you are?"
You asked the handsome stranger. His chocolate eyes stared into yours confused.
" you mean you don't know," he asked.
"Should I know?" You laughed as you reached down for the rest of the glass.

" no, no you shouldn't," he kneeled, "please let me assist you."
" no I've got it," you stubbornly insisted and refused his help. Trying to grab pieces quickly you felt a sharp pain shoot through your hand.
"Shoot," you uttered as blood came running down your hand. " I told you to let me help," he  joked as he pulled his handkerchief from is pocket and pressed it to your hand.

Peeking under the handkerchief he grimaced. " this is gonna hurt," he frowned as he pulled the glass out. " what is..," you said as he pulled the glass," ahhh!! Shoot. You could have warned me." You cradled your now throbbing hand as more blood came out.

"Sorry, I knew you wouldn't let me if I told you. Let me see please," he gently pulled you closer. He stared into your eyes flicking between them and your lips. "Her hand is down there Romeo," you both looked up as a teenage girl walked out of the ballroom.
The stranger sighed as he looked at her, " yes, Shuri?" He asked clearly exasperated.

"It's almost midnight, your people are waiting for your selection, your highness," she smirked,
" I'm betting you've already selected. See you inside."

He sighed and turned back, "I'm sorry where were we," he shook his head.
You chuckled, " you were about to explain who you are, your highness," you smiled as you curtsied.
"Please, call me T'Challa, T'Challa Udaku," he bowed.
"King of Wakanda," an elegant woman walked out into the night air. " Mother he smiled as he wrapped her in a hug. " (Y/N), may I introduce Romanda Udaku, Queen Mother of Wakanda,"
"Your Majesty," you dropped into a polite curtsy with no idea how you knew how to curtsy.
" I'm sorry to interrupt my son, but your people are waiting. Please come soon, this announcement does not concern only you."

"I know Mother I will be out shortly, please five minutes," she nodded as she glided out of the room.

As he started to speak you out a finger to his lips, " answer me two questions then we can talk later," he nodded and you began," 1.What is so special about tonight? 2. Is this really Wakanda?" You removed your finger and waited for him to speak.

"Tonight is the night I choose the woman I want to court and ask her out. Traditionally this is a last resort but after my last relationship with my friend Nakia. My sister and mother thought it was time I settled down. It was clear Nakia would never be ok with life as a queen and I refused to force her into that life. So here we are. And Yes, this is really Wakanda."

" But it can't be. I went to sleep in New York, on a trip with my friends, how did I wake up here?" You glanced into his calm eyes.
"You really didn't know who I was? Where you were?" He asked suddenly grabbing both of your hands.
"No I didn't, I thought it was a dream. Everything seemed so familiar. I just couldn't place it." You said starting get anxious. You tried to pull your hands away.

"Kaia, just answer one question. We can sort the rest out later." He looked at you urgently. you nodded your head letting him continue, "Can I court you? I know it's sudden and you don't fully understand what that implies,but if you say yes we can talk later. But I want you. I thought you were joking when you didn't know me, but you really aren't after the title. Your stubborn, kind,gentle, and graceful. All things a Queen should be and if I'm right, I think you were made for me." He smirked, pulling you close again. His breathe caressing your lips,      "So please, may I have the honor of courting you?", he barely breathed waiting for your answer. Before you could truly comprehend what was happening you breathed out one word. That changed your life forever.



I just saw the work of art, also known as Black Panther about a week ago, so yeah this booked popped into my mind. I know most people follow the marvel plot line, or you know one similar to it and inject their character in the story. But ,call me a fake fan, but this is the first marvel movie I actually really remember and got into so I don't really know what is happening in the MCU but I still wanted to write this story so I hope you still enjoy. And for every one out there like me who doesn't know what's going on. Read this for the culture. Thanks and enjoy!
P. S. No I didn't forget about her hand. All will be revealed soon.

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now