Don't Wait

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T'Challa grabbed your hand and began escorting you through the crowded ballroom. As you passed on his arm, people immediately parted and bowed while staring at you. Soon the whispers started again and you felt your cheeks flush. As you reached the base of the stage T'Challa pulled you around back as his mother and sister headed in his direction.
"Ashamed of me already," you joked as you fiddled with your dress. Actually feeling the fabric for the first time. It's was a deep blue with wax print patterns all over and a modest low neck.

T'Challa's laugh pulling you out of your admiration. "I see nothing to be embarrassed of," he smiled and stared at you. Glancing at your lips again. Out of habit you bit your lip and looked away. You fiddled with your dress and you stared at the floor. "Hey stop fiddling with your dress, you look beautiful," he whispered lifting your face. You smiled back as he leaned in, his lips barely brushing yours when you heard someone clear their throat. You both jumped apart but T'Challa kept his arm firmly around your waist.
"Yes, Mother, shuri?" He asked as he sighed rubbing his head. You threw them a quick smile of acknowledgement and curtsied,  " your highnesses,".
"Seeing as though my brother was about to suck your face off.." Queen Romanda interjected, " that will be all Shuri. Son, Kaia, if you are ready we'll make the courtship official. You both nodded as T'Challa grabbed your waist and you both walked onto the stage.

After a brief welcome from the Queen T'Challa pulled you to the Microphone. "Good evening," his rich voice filled. The room you found yourself zoning out during his speech. Soon your own name grabbed your attention . "In the presence of my people, family, and country, will you ,Kaia Anderson, become the Royal Consort of I T'Challa Udaku, son of T'chaka
Udaku, King of Wakanda for a period no shorter than three months. Until both parties decide if they would like to enter a marriage relationship. Adhering to all rules of Ettiquette and responsibility as the only consort to the King of Wakanda and possibly as his future Queen?" He kneeled before you. As your mind tried to catch up with his words a look of fear passed over his eyes, " oh, I do," you nodded reaffirming him and yourself. He smiled and pulled you closer. "Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you, Lady Kaia Anderson of Atlanta, GA a sanctuary city for Waknadans in the United States of America." The crowd cheered as people glanced as the faces of who would possibly be their new royals. You did notice some sad and some angry stares from other girls, clearly disappointed they weren't chosen. As the clapping died down T'Challa escorted you offstage and into a black car with him. As you exited the ballroom you noticed an all female group of soldiers fall in line behind you. As you got in one warrior got into the car with you all.

She nodded out of the window and the cars started to move. T'Challa grabbing your hand startled you as you stared out of the window. "Kaia, this is Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje, best warrior in Wakanda."
" it's a pleasure to meet you," you smiled as you shook hands with the woman. "As with you lady Kaia. If you ever would like to train, the Dora Milaje would love to have you," she smiled back as you both settled into your seats.
You leaned your head on T'Challa's shoulder. When you pulled out your phone you had 30 missed calls for Sydney. You sighed. How would explain this to them.

You woke suddenly to Sydney yelling in the bathroom. Aaliyah,Mayah, and you ran into the restroom to see a weird light glowing in the shower door. The more you stared, the more it drew you in. Soon everything seemed to fade into the back ground as the light surrounded you. Practically glowing you turned to your friends and spoke, "Ndiye ndiza kuzalisekisa umsebenzi wam. ndiza kubiza kamva."(I have gone to fulfill my duty to Bast, I will call later).
-end flash back-
"Omg, I have to call them!" You suddenly yelled as you whipped out your phone.
"Call who love,"T'Challa asked as he pulled you back down to his chest.
"My friends,I just disappeared out of our bathroom in New York to them. I know they have to be worried. And I'm about to move in with a king on a different continent for three months." You froze, " omg, we're moving in together," you smiled up at him.
"Yes, the royal consort always lives in the kings house,"he smiled, " you want this right?" he questioned.
You reached up and kissed his cheek. "I may not know exactly where I am, or what I just got myself into, but the one thing I'm sure of is you," he pulled you in closer, " just one request, can we find a different title besides kings main consort?"
" why, what's wrong with the title?" He smirked.
"You know what's wrong with it!" You laughed as you playfully punched his chest, " it makes me sound like I'm just the kings booty call," you mumbled into his chest. " I'm not just a booty call right?" You stared him down.

" I mean," he smirked, " your booty's been calling me all night," he winked.
"Oh God T'Challa," you rolled your eyes as you both succumbed to laughter.
" How about, The Kings Girlfriend?," he suggested as he rubbed your back. "Short,sweet, and to the point," you said, " I like it." You nodded your head.
"Is it ok for the King to receive a kiss from his newly appointed girlfriend?" You smiled as you reached up to kiss him. T'Challa pulled you close and soon your lips touched. Passion overwhelmed you as you drowned in him. Finally accepting defeat you let him takeover. Just as you smiled into the kiss your phone rang.
You quickly pulled away and answered.
"Hello?" You said as you sat up in the car.
"Kaia?" Mayah yelled, " oh god, you're ok. Guys she's ok. Hold on we're FaceTiming you ok?"
The line quickly went dead as it switched over to FaceTime.
"Kaia?," Sydney yelled as she leaned into the camera, " you're alive! We've been so worried about you! Where'd you go?"
"What kind of car are you in?" Aaliyah exclaimed, " it's light years beyond anything we have!"
"Most importantly," Mayah squeezed her way into the frame, " who is the gorgeous specimen behind you?" Mayah pointed as she smiled.

"Hey, hands off my boyfriend," You laughed, " I just got him!"

"Boyfriend!" They all yelled.
"This is T'Challa. T'Challa this is Aaliyah, Mayah, and Sydney." You said pointing at the screen
" Girl, where are you?" Sydney asked in awe.

Sorry for all the cliffhangers! I'm a sucker for a good cliffhanger. But I'm going to start the next part as soon as I publish this so I don't forget. So Goodnight. Hope you enjoyed and the next part may be up around lunchtime tomorrow. No promises though. Oh here is the dress.

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By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now