Live in Your Eyes

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"Where is that and how fast can I get there?"Aaliyah asked as a joke.
"We could have you here in 12 hours, if that's what Kaia would like?" T'Challa responded poking his head into the screen.
"Are you serious?" You looked up amazed, " for me? I don't want to wake anyone up for this." "Tomorrow then?" He asked. "Aaliyah , T'Challa can have someone there tomorrow at lunch, be packed ok?"
"You don't have to tell us twice. Just text us. Well I'll see you tomorrow ok. I love you and be safe." She waved as she signed off.
"Thank you so much T'Challa," you smiled as you leaned back into his open arms.
"I still don't know why you wanted to wait till tomorrow," he sighed, " they could've been here when you woke up."
"Yes and now they will be here tomorrow evening. And some poor woman doesn't have to wake up and fly twelve hours." You shrugged, " they can wait."
"Oh, I like her," Okoye winked from the opposite side of the car.
" thank you Okoye," you nodded respectfully as you drifted off into sleep in T'Challa's arms.

You awoke to the warm Wakandan sun shining on your face. The cold sheets entranced you as you snuggled into the pillow again.
"So I see you're not a morning person," His velvet laughed wafted through the room as he left the bathroom.
You groaned as you pulled the pillow over your face, "No I'm not. What time is it anyway?" You yawned as you pulled yourself up.
8:00 on the dot," T'Challa said as he walked over and kissed your forehead. You smiled then frowned, " who's room am I in?" You asked as you noticed a cot in the corner.
"Mine, don't worry, I slept in the cot over there," he pointed.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take your bed. But I am grateful," you smiled kissing him on the lips before hopping out of bed. "What's on the agenda today?" You stretch as you head into the bathroom. "Breakfast first."
"Obviously," you yell as you stand in awe of bathroom, " you're bathroom is bigger than my whole apartment," you yell.
"In the closet there should be some clothes in different sizes. Let me know what fits."he laughs back.
You walk into the closet and stare in awe at all of the clothing. "Oh my god T'Challa, you shouldn't have." You're jaw drops open as you finger all the clothing. After ten minutes you emerge in a casual outfit.
"Ready?" He says as he takes your hand and walks you to breakfast.
You are rather surprised when you walk-in and see a small family dinning table. There are two seats left for you and T'Challa as you sit down.
"Good morning everyone!" you smile. "Good morning child," the Queen smiles back as does Shuri. As the meal is brought out you all fall into steady conversation. Soon the conversation falls on you.
"So my child, what do you do? Favorite food? Color? Anything really?" The Queen smiles as she looks at you.
"Well your highness, I was studying to become a doctor. But I guess that's on hold now. I danced a lot. Any style I had access to I tried.  My favorite color is purple, the shade the sky turns during sunsets sometimes," you smile floating off into your own world. " I'm sorry I'm rambling," you blush and continue eating.
"Nonsense, I want to know more about you. Would you like to take a stroll with me after breakfast, unless my son had something planned?" She raised her eyebrow staring at T'Challa.
" I mean nothing useful,"he muttered.
"Then it's settled," she said rising. "Kaia, Whenever your ready."
You quickly pecked T'Challa on the cheek and followed the Queen out into the gardens.

"When I married T'Chaka, his mother brought me out here and told me. I looked as though all the stars lived in my eyes. I didn't know what she meant. Until I saw you and my son. Kaia, you look as though you have all the stars in your eyes."
"Thank you, your highness." You blushed as the queen grabbed your hands.
" But Kaia the reason I love you, is because you've brought them to my son's eyes as well," she gently squeezed your hands, " How are your parents?" She began walking again, you at her side.
"Fine, I should probably call them. Let them know where I am and that I'm safe."
"No need, I hope you don't mind, but we ran a background check on you. Standard procedure,  but we sent a jet for your parents as well as your friends. They should be here soon." Your eyes welled with tears as you realized you'd bring seeing everyone you loved soon.
"No, I don't mind. Thank you so much. I was hoping you could answer a question for me your highness."
" I will try my best," she replied.
When I met T'Challa, he said if he was correct, that I may have been made for him. What does
he mean?" You asked stopping the queen in her tracks.
"So my son sees it too," she smiled, "yintoni igama lakho langempela umntwana wam?"
(What is your real name, my child?)
You stood up straight and held your head high.
" Khethiwe Lindelwa Aphiwe,"
(one who is chosen, one who was awaited, they are given)
"Your Mother gave you an amazing name, my child."
"Thank you, your highness, the only problem is I've never heard that name before.."You hurried to catch-up.
"I know you have many question Kaia, but we must greet our guests. When your mother is here, we'll explain together.
What secret has been kept from Kaia all this time? I'll try to post by tomorrow. Friday at the latest.  But I don't think I can wait that long for y'all to know. And Kaia's names in Xhosa line up with the "American" name her mother gave her. Kaia Laia Anderson. Pic of her outfit down below.

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By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now