Is it Me?

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Your eyes fluttered open as you rolled over in bed to face T'Challa's sleeping face. You smiled before gently playing with his curls.
He groaned before fluttering open his eyes. "Good morning my love," he rasped as he stared at your face. "Did you sleep well?" He sat up against the headboard staring at you still laying down.
"How could I not after last night?" You grinned as you sat up next to him.
"Ah so you enjoyed your self," his sly grin creeping across his face as leaned over you.
"Immensely," you giggled as he captured your lips. The kiss began to intensify. Just as you bit his bottom lip you felt something sour rising in your throat.
Your hand flew to your mouth as you ran to the bathroom and collapsed on the toilet.
After you flushed the toilet you walked over to the sink to brush your teeth and wash your face.
You looked up as you heard soft footsteps behind you. You ducked your head as you saw T'Challa in the mirror. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder. "Are you ok, entle?" He asked as you wiped your face.
You turned to face him and he pulled you into his embrace. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just morning sickness from the baby," you rested your head on his chest. "Good, I was worried it was me," he chuckled. His velvet laugh rumbled his chest helping you to relax. "It will never be you 'Challa, until I get further into the pregnancy, then it may be my hormones making me hate you."
"How could any fiber of your body hate me after the past two weeks?" He raised his eyebrows as you blushed.
You smacked his chest before walking into the closet to get changed.
"What do you want to do today?" He asked as you walked to breakfast together a short while later. "I don't know, what does the king usually do on his honeymoon?" You smiled as you stopped in-front of the dining hall doors.
"I don't know, most kings take a working honeymoon if they take one at all," You looked him in the eye.
"What made you take off," you inquired as you walked through the doors.
"How could I not? Wakanda is in no immediate danger in the foreseeable future. My country is at peace, and. I have a beautiful new wife. A beautiful, new,pregnant wife at that." He pulled out your chair for you as you sat down. "Thank you my love," you smiled as he sat in his seat next to you. He held your hand on the top of the table as you waited for everyone to arrive.
Queen Mother walked in and stopped."Good morning newlyweds," Mother Ramonda greeted as she settled into her chair. "If I recall you were supposed to be on a flight this morning "she raised as an eyebrow as the servers brought out food.
Shuri walked into the room speaking into her kimoyo beads. "No I want two of the best Auntie ever onesies, no they're not for twins I don't know what they're hav...."Queen Ramonda cleared her throat and Shuri gasped, "I'll call you later mike," she ended the call and stared. She glanced at her mother "I thought you two had a flight this morning." She asked as the door flew open. A flustered Maia ran in, "Shuri, Queen Mother, I couldn't find them in their room and their flight.." Maia trailed off as Shuri flared at her. "Kaia, T'Challa, you're here.... eating....breakfast" she spoke softly before her eyes widened.
"Shuri, call Sydney and Aaliyah they are bringing the code red!" Shuri quickly ran out of the room with Maia.
"Code red?" You looked at T'Challa then Queen Mother. She just shrugged, " I stayed out of it. All I know is that you two were supposed to be on a flight to Atlanta for your honeymoon but after that I'm lost." She shrugged.
"But we never decided on a place to go.." you trailed off looking at T'Challa.
He shrugged before replying. "We might as well go with the plan, they tried so hard. Besides you can show me the city," he smiled at you squeezing your hand. You smiled before nodding. "I guess were going away for our honeymoon after all" you grinned.
After you finished breakfast you all walked back to your bedroom.
"What's this?" You whispered as you noticed a box sitting in your desk.
T'Challa walked up behind you. "Open it," he said as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
When you pulled the lid off of the box you saw an old record player. You smiled as you examined the player.
"I heard you had one when you were younger. I thought you may like to have one again. I must admit we never had these in Wakanda, so I'm not entirely sure how it works." He smiled sheepishly.
You reached up and pecked his lips. I love it 'challa," You grinned.
"Your mom had your dad bring a few records back from your house before they left." He handed you another slim box. You quickly searched through the records before grabbing the single you were looking for. You quickly placed it on the turntable and placed the needle down.
(Start music)
You rested your  head on T'Challa's shoulder as the song came on. You whirled around the room together.
"I used to dance around my room to this song," You laughed as you remembered singing into a hairbrush and hugging your self as if you were on stage.
T'Challa's laughed rumbled through his chest at the thought.
"You should show me one day,"he suggested as you swayed together.
"Never," you laughed as you stared at him in the face.
"Why not?" he pouted.
"Because I used to pretend I was dancing with a man and now I've got one to dance with." You smiled in his arms.
"And I better be the last one." He smirked only half joking.
"Of course my baby love," You smiled as the song ended.
Hey guys. I hope you like this chapter! Please leave comments and feedback. Please, please, please!i hope you're not upset where they go for the honeymoon. Atlanta is where Kaia grew up and since they're whole relationship happened in Wakanda I think it's important that T'Challa gets to visit. The next chapter will be about their honeymoon though. And a very interesting run in. And the code red. In the next chapter Kaia will be six months pregnant so she will be showing but she is very lean so she won't be overly round and plump. Hope you enjoy next chapter. See you soon!

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now