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"I can see why Americans love Christmas lights," T'Challa said as you walked hand in hand through the crowded Atlantic station. The Dora Milaje followed not too far behind in the crowd.  Little kids ran past as laughter drifted from all of the restaurants and stores.
You nodded as you felt his hand intertwine with yours. "We literally have a whole tv show dedicated to them." You grinned as you plowed through the crowd. Cameras began to flash around you both as you passed a well lit part of the shopping center.
T'Challa began pulling you along close to his side as you tried to get through the crowd.
You reached the outer edge of the complex and T'Challa stopped in the middle of the street. "What?" You looked up puzzled. T'Challa pulled you close and kissed your lips. "Mistletoe," he murmured. You looked up at the LED light mistletoe hanging over the street. You grinned before pulling him back to you. He kissed you again and you hummed in response wrapping your arms around his neck. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. "I love you Mrs.Udaku" he whispered. "I love you too Mr.Udaku," You grinned.
"Kaia?" a familiar voice yelled. Both your heads shot up as a man walked out of the shadows. T'Challa pressed you behind him as Okoye and Ayo took their positions in front of their king.
You peered from around T'Challa trying to see who it was.
"Kaia?" The man asked wearily as Okoye And Ayo's spears appeared in their hands. "It's me, Darius," he said his arms up in surrender. You gasped as you recognized the person in front of you. Sadness and anger quickly replaced shock as you stepped from around T'Challa. You took a step towards Darius. "What do you want?" You asked as T'Challa gripped your hand.
"Can we talk Kaia?" He asked.
"Why should I talk to you," you folded your arms against you chest frowning. "Please," he begged, " Let me explain." You caved and nodded at T'Challa. He kissed your cheek before walking off with Ayo. Okoye stayed behind with you. Darius glanced at Okoye, "Can she put the spear away, it's making me nervous." You smiled smugly, " Good, you should be nervous," you replied, " again, what do you want Darius."
"Kai, baby,"Darius reached your hand. Okoye had her spear at his neck before he could finish. "ukuba uthembele wena ukumkanikazi wam, ndiya kumphelisa apha kwaye ngoku apho emela khona." You smiled at Okoye, "Ndiyabulela kodwa loo nto ayiyi kuyimfuneko Okoye, ugula kuye." Okoye grinned before stepping back behind you. "What just happened?" Darius asked as you looked back at him. "She said if you touch me again she'll end you here and now where you stand." Darius gulped. "Well thanks for saving me," he laughed, " I knew you'd always love me,"
You frowned as did Okoye. "Darius the only things that's keeping you alive is that I want to hear this apology and the fact that you have children who rely on you for child support. So let me be clear. I did not save you for you. I didn't save you at all actually."
"Well how'd you get her to step down,"he frowned.
"I told her if you touch me I'll kill you myself. Now I'm still waiting for this apology." You said beginning to get annoyed.
"Look Kaia, I made a mistake ok. I should've married you. I shouldn't have left you at the alter all alone. My life's been horrible without you. Comeback to me," Darius pleaded with you. "No," you stated as you turned on your heel. "What do you mean no!" Darius yelled as he grabbed your arm. "Don't touch me!" You hissed as Okoye pointed her spear. "Darius if I were you I would just walk away right now," you whispered as you ripped your hand away from him. "You little bitch," he sneered. Okoye interrupted, " how dare you disrespect the Queen you will refer to her only as your majesty. Pathetic excuse for a man," Okoye hissed.
"Your majesty?" Darius yelled, "What Queen, all I see is a college whore who fell in love with the first man she took to managed to let another man get you pregnant and now you're married. Now you think your better than me? Kaia you will never be worth anything more than a common street whore without me," Darius sneered. You slapped him hard across the face. "Don't you ever touch me again you lowlife bastard,"you hissed as Darius cradled his cheek. "I'm will always be worth more than you can ever imagine, without you. I'm not the little girl you meet three years ago Darius, it's nice to know already one of us grew up,"you whispered as T'Challa placed his arms around you.
"You will watch how you speak to my wife. The Queen of Wakanda and the mother of my children," T'Challa warned as he pulled you close. " you are treading on very dangerous grounds sir,"
"And what grounds would those be?" Darius sneered as he stepped close to T'Challa.
" Darius go home," you said stepping between him and T'Challa. "Now," you warned. Darius glared before walking off into the night.
You sighed heavily and rubbed your face. "Well that killed the mood you joked as you turned back to T'Challa. "Are you ok?" He asked as he rubbed both your shoulders.
"I'm fine," you sighed before wrapping your arm around his waist. "You ready to call it a night?" T'Challa smiled while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You nodded as you walked back through the crowds towards your hotel. As you neared the hotel cameras started flashing. Laughing T'Challa ran with you to the front door before pointing up. Mistletoe hung above you both. You grinned before pulling him down to you.
You began to make out, cameras flashed all around as you laughed and rested your forehead on his. You waved to the cameras before walking into the hotel.
Once the elevator doors closed T'Challa pushed you against the wall and began showering your neck in kissed and attention. You moaned and he sucked on the soft spot between your neck and shoulder. He grinned as the doors open. He recaptured your lips and walked you into the bedroom shutting the door with his foot.

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now