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"Are you sure you don't want to have a separate bachelorette party? I know T'Challa can't have a real bachelor party, but that doesn't mean we can't have a girls night." Aaliyah whines as she finishes curling your hair.
"Yeah I've always heard about this American tradition. This is my only chance to go to one Kaia. Please?" Shuri begged from her spot on the couch.
"You looked at both of them, " No, I wanted a joint party with T'Challa. Besides I don't feel like going to a strip club again." You smiled. "We can have a girls night together, the night before the wedding. Us alcohol, and pajamas. Deal?and Shuri when you get married, we'll go to New York, and have an all American bachelorette party"
"Deal." They both groaned. Shuri a little more enthusiastically than Aaliyah. Aaliyah started cleaning up your vanity as you slipped into your dress for the night.

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In lieu of a bachelorette party you and T'Challa decided to throw a party together to celebrate your wedding

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In lieu of a bachelorette party you and T'Challa decided to throw a party together to celebrate your wedding.
As you pulled on your earrings the man of the  hour strolled out of the closet half dressed. "How long have you been in there?" You asked as he kissed your cheek.
"Long enough," he smirked as he finished buttoning his shirt.
You reached out and grabbed his bow tie before he could reach for it. "What are you doing?" He asked as you placed the bow tie around his neck and began to tie it.
"We want you to look nice tonight," you grinned as you pulled the bow and smoothed his collar down over it.
He grabbed both your hands. " I always look nice,"he grinned as he kissed your lips. He pulled you close. Your lips fighting for dominance. You smiled into the kiss as you pulled back. "We should stop," you breathed as he kept his arm firmly around your waist. "Why?"
"You'll smudge my lipstick," you grinned.
"You can fix it," he grinned with a devilish look.
"Not in 15 minutes. And," you pulled him close, "if we start, we both won't want to stop." You wriggled out of his grasp and walked over to the vanity to fix your makeup. He shook his head as he walked back into the closet to grab his jacket.
10 minutes later T'Challa grabbed your hand and you walked out of his room to the ball room for the party.
As you walked down the hall T'Challa grinned at you. "What?" You asked pushing him Playfully.
"You look beautiful," he whispered. You laughed. "Why are you whispering?" You whispered.
"I don't anyone to here me, they may come take  you away," he grinned as you walked down the hall.
"Oh, I'd fight them to the death. I don't want to lose you." You nudged him. Snuggling into his arm as he wrapped it around your shoulder.
"You won't." He grinned.
"'Challa?" He looked at you. "Yes entle?" You fidgeted with your dress. "Stop," he said grabbing both your hands. "What is it?" He frowned.
"It's stupid," you waved your hand dismissively.
He stopped in the middle of the hall. "Tell me," he pleaded.
You bit your lip. "Are you upset you aren't having a traditional bachelor party?"
"No, why would I be?" He asked clearly confused.
" No it's just I know most men want that last night of freedom with another woman and I feel like I'm denying you and...," you rambled on. "Hey," he whispered.
"Hey," you mumbled.
"I don't want another woman. How could I When the most beautiful woman ever is standing in front of me. You're the woman I want and love." You blushed as he pulled you into a hug. He pulled back slightly and kissed your lips. You were sure they were bruised but you kissed back with an equal amount of force. Your hands started exploring his back as someone clearing their throat interrupted you.
"Don't you two ever get tired of PDA?" Shuri grinned as she stood in-front if you in the hallway. 
You blushed as T'Challa sighed. "I would enjoy it more if you wouldn't show up every time I kiss my fiancé. You could've had a nephew by now." Shuri grimaced as you slapped T'Challa's arm. "Be nice. And not anytime soon." You smiled back. " practice makes perfect," T'Challa grinned as Shuri walked away. "Really didn't need to hear that I'm gone," She shuddered as she walked away.
T'Challa and you laugh as you take his arm and continue walking down the hall.
As you neared the large doors you felt the bass from the music. The food smelled heavenly as the herald announced your arrival.
"Now, may I present his royal Highness T'Challa Udaku and his fiancée Lady Kaia Anderson."
The doors opened to thunderous applause. As T'Challa escorted you down the stairs. The crowd cleared the dance floor.
T'Challa walked you out in a huge circle as he signaled the dj to  start the music. He pulled you close and you swayed to the music. One of his hands around your waist. The other holding your hand out to the side with his. You payed your head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent, blocking out all the stares around you.
And it's me and you.... that's all we'll have when the world is through. Baby we ain't got nothing but love. Darling you got enough for the both of us.....

"You nervous?" He whispered in your ear as he whirled you around the floor. "Yes. Kinda like jumping off of a moving car. Knowing that stable ground is right there. But unsure of how much pain it'll cause you to have when you hit it." You and Wakanda are my stable ground. But how painful will it be for me to leave my old life and home behin?"

When my days look low pull me in close and don't let me go....
"Hey, I'm always here for you. Forever and always.  Only you can take that jump. But I'm here for you. To catch you and place you on solid ground." He stared into your eyes as you smiled up at him.

When the worlds at war, that our love heal us at all....
"We have to make time for us," you said as you were spun out into a turn. " we need to make our love top priority, along with Wakanda. Can you promise me that. That our family comes first. I know your king, but I need this for us." You searched his eyes as conflict passed  through them. He hesitated multiple times before finally nodding yes.
"I can promise that I will try, if I forget you have to remind me. Please. I've been raised for the throne. I may not always be able to make that decision."
You nodded up at him and snuggled back into his chest. "I believe in you," you whispered. You continued swaying around the floor as you sang softly to each other.
When the song ended you walked off the floor together. As you neared your seat your head began to spin.
"T'Challa," you whispered yelled as you grabbed for his arm.
"Kaia, Entle, What's wrong?" He asked catching you as you fall.
"I don't know. Don't leave me 'Challa," you whispered as the room went black.
So. I think this sucked but I really wanted to make a chapter like this. Let me know if you like this. Next chapter will let you know what's wrong with Kaia. Was she poisoned? What's going on?

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now