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10; the one with the double party.

"I talked to Rachel's sisters and neither of them can come", Ross said, refering to the birthday party the gang is planning for Rachel

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"I talked to Rachel's sisters and neither of them can come", Ross said, refering to the birthday party the gang is planning for Rachel.

"I still have to invite Dylan, Emma and Shannon Cooper", Monica said out loud more to herself than for the group.

"Not Shannon Cooper", Joey quickly added. "She steals stuff".

Alycia turns to look at him. "Or you just slept with her and never called again".

"Joey, that is horrible!", Monica shakes her head.

"Hey, I liked her. Maybe a little too much, I don't know. I just got scared".

Phoebe and Monica look at each other before looking back at Joey. "Sorry, we didn't know that".

He chuckles, "I dind't think anyone would believe that".

Rachel showed up shortly after at the coffee shop, complaining about how her parents fought pretty much during the whole graduation of one of her sisters.

"Maybe we shouldn't invite her parents", Phoebe suggested after Rachel went to serve some coffee for the customers.

"Or just her mom".

"Why her mom?", Chandler asked.

"Cause we already invited her", Alycia replied while smiling.

"Did you ask Stacy Ruth?"

"Can't invite her", Joey mutters. "She also steals".


"Dr. Green!", Alycia faked a smile as she walked over to greet the man in the hallway next to Joey and Chandler. "I guess you're here for Rachel's party?", she looks at her two friends with a questioning look and Chandler simply move his arms around as a reply.

"Yeah, I am", he replied with a smile while Joey and Chandler quickly dragged him over their apartment.

"What the hell is- Hi!", Alycia interrupted herself after entering Monica's apartment and seeing Rachel's mom inside.

"Hi, dear! I missed you", she said with a big smile as she walked closer to hug her.

"This is so great!", she fakes a quick laugh as she looks at Monica with a questioning look. She only shrugged. "You're here for Rachel's party!"

How the hell did they got into this situation?

"Surprise!", everyone yelled at party #1 as Rachel jumped, covering her mouth with her hand and smiling widly at the sight of her friends.

"Mom!", she cheerfully exclaimed as they're hugging. "Thank you, guys! This is so nice!"

"Everyone, there is food and drinks on the table!"

Alycia walks closer to her for a quick hug after Monica spoke up to all the guests. "You need to go to Joey and Chandler's apartment now".

"Why?", Ross asked her.

"Just go", Monica said this time, pushing both of them out of the room. 


Monica's party was beyond boring, not for Alycia only, but for everyone who was in there. When she saw the perfect opportunity, she decied to leave the apartment and check how Joey and Chandler were doing. When she opened the door, she noticed everyone looked like having way much fun than the people in the other apartment. The music was loud, the people was dancing, and Chandler was even talking with a girl.

This is definately a good party.

"Hey, what you're doing here?", Joey greeted her with a big smile.

"Monica's party was starting to give me actual desires to kill myself".

"That bad?"

"You have no idea", she sighed as she took a beer out of the fridge. "Any cute guys here?"

"I don't usually look around checking guys out, you know?", Joey shrugged.

"I was just talking to a girl and she stuck her tounge all the way down my throat", Chandler showed up next to them with a big grin on his face. "This is the best party ever!"

"Chandler, any cute guys?"

"There was one but I noticed he was wearing a ring".

Joey looks at him with confussion and surprise. "Why are you checking guys out?"

Chandler turns to look at him in panic, "I'm not supposed to do that?"

Alycia laughed at her two friends as she saw Joey patting his back and Chandler still looking awfully confused and affected by the sudden realization.

"Danny", a girl called.

"That would be me", Chandler annouced as he jumped away happily inside the bathroom.

"This sucks", Alycia sighed. "How come Chandler is getting some action and I'm stuck here with nothing?"

"I know, right?", he sighed too. "Hey, maybe-".

"We're not hooking up", she cuts him off.

"It was worth the shot", Joey shrugged.

"You're an idiot", she chuckles before walking away to talk to other people.

The guys and Alycia were saying goodbye to Rachel's dad. As he opened the door, they saw Rachel and her mom in the hall so they had to pull her father back in while Ross closed the door for them.

"Wow, where are you going?", Ross smiles awkwardly as he opened the door again and saw Mr. Green's intentions of getting out of the apartment.

"To get my coat".

"I'll get that!", Chandler, Joey and Ross said almost at the same time.

"Alrigth, stop it! I can get my own coat", he said.

Alycia opened the door for them as they all went jumping and shouting across the hall over to Monica's apartment while the girls hugged Rachel's mom so she couldn't see her ex husband.

"What's going on?", she asked once the door was closed.

"We are on a major flan high", Chandler smiled.

The three guys screamed when they saw Phoebe opening the door of Monica's apartment where Dr. Green was in. Rachel kept hugging her mom who looked more confused than ever, having no idea what the gang is doing.

"I guess we're going into the hallway again", Alycia could hear Phoebe say from inside the apartment after a few seconds.

"Thank you for coming, Mrs. Green", Joey said, quickly grabbing her face and kissing her.

Everyone quickly stood in between Rachel's dad and Joey so he couldn't see Mrs. Green as Rachel quickly guided her father to the stairs so he could go. Alycia sighed in relief after they were finally free from him.

"Oh, you kids", Mrs. Green smiles at Joey after they kissed. "This has been the best party I've been to in years".

"Thank you!", Monica said as she looked at everyone, remembering how they all agreed her party sucked.

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