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13; the one with the new TV show.

"So, what's this thing you're auditioning for?", Chandler asked Joey while he was still rehearsing the script

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"So, what's this thing you're auditioning for?", Chandler asked Joey while he was still rehearsing the script.

"It's a new TV show", he replied. "I'm up for the part of Mac Mackavelli or Mac", Joey added. "I'm a detective and I solve crimes with the help of my robot partner. He's a computerized humanoid electronically enhanced secret enforcer, or C.H.E.E.S.E.".

"So, Mac and Cheese", Rachel said, stating the obvious.

"That's the title!", Joey replied. "They really lucked out that the initials spell cheese".

"That is lucky", Chandler replied sarcastically.

"Wait, so this means you'll get your own TV show", Rachel commented.

"Yeah, don't get your hopes up. It's probably not gonna happen".

"Oh, shut up", Alycia quickly said. "You're getting that part, okay? We all trust you will, right guys?".

"Absoloutely!", Phoebe agreed.

"A show called Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. is definately made for you, man", Chandler also said, tapping his friend's shpulder

"Yeah, why you think you're not gonna get it?", Rachel asked. "You're an amazing actor!".

"Thanks, guys", Joey replied, smiling, really happy for having their support. "Alright, wish me luck".

Alycia walked up to him before he could leave, giving him the usual good luck kiss before any audition he goes to. "I love you, superstar", she said after pulling away.

Joey looked down at her, his smile widened. He leaned in for another kiss. "I love you, too".


"Hey, you guys", Alycia said to Joey and Chandler, walking inside the apartment with the groceries. "You wouldn't believe the fight I had with a lady over a package of detergent. It was intense!", she added, noticing the guys weren't really paying attention to what she was saying. She looked up to them, noticing something very important just happened and she didn't realize about it when she first arrived. "What happened?".

"Chandler just sabotaged my whole career!", Joey replied, making her turn to look at Chandler, not knowing what that meant.

"He got a call from the show to let him know the audition changed from 5 PM to 2:30 PM and I forgot to tell him", Chandler explained. He sounded way more relaxed than Joey, but still lookedvery affected by what was happening.

"And I lost the part", Joey continued.

"Honey, clearly Chandler didn't mean it", Alycia said as an attempt to calm him a little.

"Whether he meant it or not, he completely ruined this for me", Joey replied, looking actually really hurt about the situation. "I was really excited about this show".

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