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3; the one where everyone hooked up.

"Janice has a question", she stars as everyone is sitting together at Central Perk

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"Janice has a question", she stars as everyone is sitting together at Central Perk. "Who of the seven of you has slept with who of the seven of you?"

"It's like a dirty math problem", Phoebe said.

"The answer would be none of us", Ross replied.

"C'mon! Over the years none of you got drunk and stupid?"

"Well, that's really another different question", Joey chuckles.

"I'm sorry. I find it hard to believe that a group of people who spend this much time together as you guys do has never bumped uglies", she replied.

"There was a time where Monica and Rachel hooked up together", Joey started.

"What?", they both said in unison.

"That never happened", Rachel snapped.

"Let's say it did. How would that go?", he smirked.

"Okay, okay. Answer me this: have any of you ever almost...?", she started.

The friends looked at each other for a few seconds before standing up and trying to change the subject, making Janice laugh.

Three years earlier.

"So how's it living on your own?", Ross smiles at Alycia.

"It's great. It was time to live on my own now".

"And what about Chandler?"

"He's better now. He said he was gonna find a new roomate or something".

"So where are you living now?", Phoebe asked this time.

"Two floors down", Alycia shrugged.

"Are we ever gonna see you again?", Ross replied sarcastically.

"Ha", she said back. "Hey, Pheebs, when are you gonna tell Monica about-".

"At some level she already knows", Phoebe cuts her off.

"She doesn't know that you sneak out every night, and sneak back in every morning. She doesn't know that you're living with your grandmother for a week now!", Ross exclaimed.

"Maybe not on those levels".

"I'm never gonna find a roomate", Chandler said as he entered the apartment.

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