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1; the one after Ross ruined it.

"You spoiled everything! It's like a nightmare", the friends could hear Emily shouting inside the room her and Ross were currently talking

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"You spoiled everything! It's like a nightmare", the friends could hear Emily shouting inside the room her and Ross were currently talking. "My friends and family are out there! How can I face them? How could you do this to me!".

"This is going fantastic", Alycia sighed.

"Hey, no matter what happens with Ross and Emily, we still have cake, right?", Joey asked.

"That's alright. Take your time, sweetie. I'll be right out here", Ross said while leaving the room. "She's just fixing her makeup", Ross laughed after being kicked out by Emily. He decided to act like nothing happened, but it was very obvious that this was probably the worst wedding in the entire world.

"I hate you!", Emily shouts.

"And I love you!", Ross replied.

"Bad time to say wrong name, huh Ross?", his father said.

"That's true, thanks dad", Ross replied. "People should be dancing, huh?".

"No", Alycia quickly said. It wasn't like an actual reply, it was more like asking for him to stop making things even worse.

"No, they should. This is a party! C'mon!", Ross insisted. "Joey, dance!".

Joey started to dance in a very awkward and ridiculous way. He flashed an angry look at Ross as he simply sighed, giving up and walking back to the room Emily was still locked in to see is they could talk.

"It's really ironic to think we were worried about Rachel all the time, when really it was Ross who totally ruined his own wedding", Alycia commented as she was sitting with Chandler eating stuff from the buffet.

The rest of the friends were nowhere to be seen so they both decided to attack the buffet on their own and find a place to sit and chat. It was better than hearing Ross explaining how he could say the wrong name (with probably the worst excuse you could ever imagine) to all the guests.

"It could've been worst, though. He could've shot her in the face, for example", he continued.

"I actually think that is a hundred times better than saying the wrong name".

"Chandler", Monica appeared next to them, smiling rather oddly. "Alycia".

"Monica", Alycia replied. "Why are you smiling so weird?".

"Nothing, I just...I was looking for you".

"Found us", Alycia shrugged. "You want to sit and enjoy the buffet with us?".

"Maybe later", she replied. "I'm going to find Rachel. Perhaps she's in the bathroom", Monica continued. "I think I'm going alone...maybe I'll be there in about ten minutes".

Alycia frowned at all the information she was giving, but decided to let her friend be.

"Okay", Chandler nodded.

"If anyone cares, that's where I'll be...alone", she says right before walking away.

"That was weird", Alycia says shortly after Monica left.

"Yeah. Hey, do you mind? I kind of drank way too much wine and it's starting to affect me", Chandler said in a rush voice.

"Don't be such a weirdo and just say you have to go to the bathroom", Alycia shrugged, allowing him to go. "What's with everyone acting so weird?".

Little did she know he was actually running away to meet up with Monica on those secret encounters on theirs. It would be so weird if the friends ever found out about it.

But they never will. They both decided to keep hooking up just in London. When they're back in New York, this will all be forgotten.

"Hey", Joey walked up to her.

"Hey", Alycia smiled.

"Have you seen Chandler?".

"He had to go to the bathroom, why?".

"I saw a chocolate fountain we had to try", he shrugged. After a few seconds, he frowned, confused. "Huh, I just got out of the bathroom and didn't saw him waiting outside".

"I don't know", Alycia shrugged. "He just said he really wanted to pee. Maybe he went looking an empty one".

"Yeah, maybe. Well, how about you and I go investigate this chocolate fountain?", Joey said, offering his arm for her to take.

"It'd be my absolute pleasure", she agreed.

"It really sucks that Emily literally Racheled out of there", Alycia commented as she was sitting next to Joey on the plane back home. Rachel and Ross stayed in London while the friends returned home. Not together though, Ross was still looking for Emily, and Rachel didn't have a fly back.

Alycia trully hopes nothing happens between Rachel and Ross that none of them can be able to stop. Them hooking up is the last thing anyone wanted or needed at this point.

"Yeah, but he did say the wrong name", Joey insisted.

"It's sad. I really liked Emily. Well, I also liked Carol...but I definately don't like Janice, for example", she frowned at the thought of Chandler's ex.

Joey laughed at her joke. "Yeah, I don't miss Janice either".

"Did you noticed that Chandler and Monica have been acting stange lately?".

"Why do you think that?".

"I don't know...they just...they're just weird".

"Chandler has always been weird", Joey pointed out. "And Monica is probably just really worried about Ross".

"Maybe", she agreed. "It's nice to be finally heading back home".

"Yeah, I miss Phoebe".

Alycia chuckled. "She's the main reason why I wanted to get back home".

"I need to talk to Chandler", Joey said after noticing Monica standing up to go to the bathroom. "Be right back".

"Sure. I'm gonna try to sleep so please don't you dare waking me up".

"I would never. You get way too grumpy", Joey smiles, giving her a quick kiss before standing up to go over to Chandler's seat.

"You're the best", Alycia smiled at him. "Actually, do wake me up for the food".

"You're the girl of my dreams", Joey joked before walking up to Chandler's seat.

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