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11; the one with the porn.

Alycia entered the apartment just to find Joey and Chandler sitting on their respective couches, watching a porn film on the TV

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Alycia entered the apartment just to find Joey and Chandler sitting on their respective couches, watching a porn film on the TV. She stopped in her tracks, an expretionless look on her face.

"Is it okay that I'm not at all surprised by this?".

"They've been watching this all morning", Monica replied from the kitchen.

"Guys, do we really have to watch this while we eat?", Rachel said, annoyed. She stepped forward to the living room to turn off the TV, being yelled at by the two guys as they quickly realized her intentions.

"We don't know what could make this go away", Chandler objected after taking the remote away from Rachel.

"Don't you think this a little bit too much?", Alycia tried.

Chandler and Joey looked offended. "I think not", Joey said while pointing at the porn on the TV. "It's free porn!"

"Boyfriend material right there", Monica says with sarcasm. "At least let us mute it", she added, taking the remote from the coffee table.

"No!", the two guys yelled. They slowly turn around to look at the TV, still the image there but with no sound. "We still have porn", Chandler said in relief.

"Honey, what are you doing? That's too heavy!", Rachel exclaimed when Phoebe entered the apartment, carrying her massage table inside. 

Rachel takes the table for Phoebe, passing it to Monica shortly after realizing it was indeed extremely heavy. Monica complained, but decided to accept the table anyway, leaving it on the floor of the kitchen.

"Ugh, I'm getting too preagnat to carry around this stupid massage table", she complained. "I need to find a job where I carry a smaller table".

"Or a job where you don't have to carry a table", Chandler remarked.

"You mean like a doctor?".

Joey rolled his eyes. "Pheebs, you're blocking the porn!"


"Hey, how did it go with Frank and Alice?", Monica asks the moment Phoebe is inside the apartment.

"Well, Frank has to quit college because his super-fertile sister is having three babies. I need to make a lot of money really fast and I had a great idea that I wanted to talk to you about", she points at Chandler. "Cause you work for a big company, you know?"

Phoebe was about to continue when she shouts out of nowhere, freaking everyone out. "What's wrong?", Alycia asked, concerned it had something to do with the babies.

"Nothing, I just really have to pee. I had an extra large lemonade on my way over", she explained, walking away to the bathroom.

Ross walked inside the apartment the moment Phoebe entered the bathroom. Monica squealed happily and excited at the sight of her brother, walking hurriendly over him with an anxious look.

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