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11; the one with the pets.

"Hey!", Joey excitedly enters the apartment with a box on his hands

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"Hey!", Joey excitedly enters the apartment with a box on his hands. Phoebe, Chandler and Alycia gave him confused looks, not only because they were wondering what was he carrying, but becasue it was weird seeing him this happy after still being sad over his unexpected breakup with Kate. "I brought something, open it!"

"Okay", Chandler said, hesitating. When he opened the box, they all met the tiny chick inside it. Phoebe and Alycia smiled at the animal, but Chandler just stood there with a confused look. "It's a chicken".

"It's cute, right?", Joey smiled.

"You guys know anything about chicks?", Phoebe asked.

"Fowl? No", Chandler replied. "Women? No".

"Well, they're a big responsability. They need the right food, and lots of love", Phoebe insisted.

"It's actually really cute", Alycia smiled down at the animal. "My uncle had a farm and he had lots of animals. Unfortunately I never got to actually be there because my mom thought owning a farm was too medieval and she didn't like the smell of fresh poop".

Chandler looks at her. "Where was that story even going?"


"I never thought you would call me to babysit a chicken", Alycia teased when she entered Joey and Chandler's apartment. "In fact, I never thought anyone would call me to babysit a chicken".

"And I never thought I'll own one but here we are", Chandler replied.

"Why are we even babysitting?".

"Joey is at work and I'm bored so I called you", he explained. "Being a lonely mother is hard".

"Oh, so you're the mom in this...awfully fucked up family?".

Chandler thought about it for a moment. "Let's pretend the last ten seconds never actually happened".

"It's like living with you all over again", Alycia joked, remembering her years living with him in that apartment.

Alycia saw Chandler walking to his chair with the chick on his hand. She followed and sat on Joey's chair as the three of them started watching Baywatch.

"That's Yasmine Bleeth", Chandler said to the animal after his favorite woman from the show appeared on screen. "She's a completely different kind of chick, but I love you both...in completely different ways".

"Stop", Alycia cuts him off. "Wait a minute, weren't you taking her back?".

"They didn't want to take her back and then I...", he was about to talk but decided to stand up, putting the chick on the armchair and montioning Alycia to follow him. "If they didn't find a home for her, they'll kill her".

"What?", she freaked out. "That's horrible!".

"I know! And I'm not gonna let that happen to little Yasmine!". Silence filled the room as Alycia looked at him, confused. "Those last ten seconds didn't happen either!".

"Well, I'm glad you didn't take her back and decided to keep her".

"Yeah, I was actually having second thoughts about getting rid of her anyway", Chandler agreed. "I also found out that they do that with all the animals, not just chicks".

"You did the right thing, Chandler", Alycia patted his shoulder.

"Thanks. You think Joey will think the same?".

Before she could reply, she heard a sound exactly like the squawking of a duck coming from the bathroom. She turns to look at Chandler with surprise after hearing the animal before noticing a duck entering the living room.

"Funny story", Chandler chuckled.

"I bet", Alycia chuckled back sarcastically. 

"You think Joey would be upset?".

"Did you eat his pizza?".


"Then he's gonna be fine", Alycia nodded. "But how are you gonna take care of two animals now?".

"They were gonna kill them all, I had to save at least one more!".

Alycia sighed, walking over the duck to look at it. "Next time bring a golden fish or...something less exotic".

Chandler and Alycia stayed with the two pets for a few minutes until Joey got back from work and Chandler had to explain why there was also a duck in the apartment. Fortunately, he took it very well, not minding the new pet.

"Well, daddy's happy!", Alycia teased while looking at Chandler.

"What's with the daddy thing?", Joey asked. "Not like I mind I mean...", he smirked.

"Joey", Alycia warned him.

"Hey, leave the chick alone!", Chandler freaked out when he saw the duck pocking the chick with its beak. He took the duck in his hands before leaving the apartment furiously.

"Well, I should be going now", Alycia took her purse, turning to look at Joey. "It was fun babysitting the kids, call me whenever you need me to watch them again".

"Of course", Joey nodded. "I'm sure they loved being with their aunt Alycia".

Alycia smiled, looking at the chick. "This is so weird but so adorable at the same time".

"Alright, the duck's in the hallway thinking about its actions!", Chandler exclaimed when he's back in the apartment.

"Goodnight, guys", Alycia walked over the door.

"Aren't you gonna stay for the duck's bath?", Chandler asked, almost offended.

"As much as I'd love to see that, I have work tomorrow", Alycia smiled. "It was fun hanging out with Yasmine and the duck, though".

"When you exit, leave the door open", Joey said. "That way the duck can come in when he's done with his thinking".

"No problem, see you tomorrow!".

"Bye", they both said.

Alycia opened the door of the apartment to leave, meeting the duck and Ross outside in the hall.

"You did something bad too?", she joked before walking over the stairs to go to her apartment.

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