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|| I remember the night when, I almost kissed her ||

|| Yeah I kinda freaked out, we'd been friend for forever||

"Chris! Christian! Chris!"

I turn around and look around. I smile widely when I see Sabrina standing with our families. She's wearing a USA t-shirt that she's cut up a bit. She turns around, pointing to where it says 'Pulisic'. I grin and wave back before running to the pitch. I'm captaining the U-17 team tonight for the last time before I go to Germany. I'm nervous, but I'm also so excited.

• • • • • • • • • •

"Congrats! You did so good!" Sabrina launches herself into my back.

"Woah! Thank you!" I put my hands under her legs as she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her chin on my shoulder.

"Pulisic! Pulisic!" She chants.

"Thanks, Sabs!"

She jumps off my back as my coach calls us down into the dressing rooms. My team heads down. I listen to him talk, anxious to go to dinner. I'm really hungry, and I just want to hang out with her and my family. I grab my stuff and head back to the team bus. I put my ear buds in and look out the window.

We all have 15 minutes to change and put our bags away before we go back to the bus to go out to dinner. My phone dings as I change. I open my phone and see a picture of DeeDee, Chase, and Sabrina from the back. They've all got shirts with 'Pulisic' on the back. I grin widely and head back down to the bus.

"Christian! You go ahead with your family. We'll meet you there," the assistant coach says.

"Great!" I run out of the hotel to my parents' car.

"Chris?" DeeDee asks.

"They said I could go with you!"

"Awesome! You and Sabs are in the back!"

I squeeze into the back of the car. Sabrina grins and hugs me as I sit next to her. I put my arm around her shoulders, and she leans into me like usual. It's a short drive to the restaurant. Everyone is taking about my move to Germany. I'm so excited but I'm also really nervous. I can't wait to go train with Dortmund, but I'll miss Hershey a lot.

"Oooo! A photo booth! Come on, Chris!" Sabrina grabs my hand and pulls me towards it.

"Oh yeah!" I smile widely.

I pull out a few dollars and put it in. We chose the theme 'Best Friends'. We smile widely the first round and make goofy faces the second time. The third picture we hug each other, and for the fourth we do leave signs while doing duck face. The last one, Sabrina kisses my cheek. We go look to look at the pictures. I have my arm around her shoulders still.

"I'm gunna miss you so much, Christian."

"I'm gunna miss you too, Sabs. But you know you can come visit whenever you want," I kiss her cheek.

"I will!" She grins gently rubbing my chest.

The two of us just stay sitting there looking into each other's eyes while we wait for our pictures to print out. I gently brush a few stray pieces of hair away from her face. We close our eyes and slowly lean in. Our noses brush and just as our lips are about to touch, i head my team yelling for me.

"PULISIC!" I'm dragged out of the photo booth.

The rest of the night, my team pretty much monopolises my time. I sigh. I'm grateful for their support, but I want to spend some time with Sabrina. I wish I could've kissed her. But then again maybe it's for the best that we didn't. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember.

After dinner, I go back home with Sabrina. DeeDee, Chase, Mom, Dad, Sabrina, and I all camp out in a large tent with a clear top so we can see the sky. Sabs and I hold hands while laying next to each other. Tonight is my last night in Hershey, and I'm glad I'm with my family and Sabs.

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