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|| I'll do a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask ||

"Good morning," Dad walks into the kitchen.

"What's so great about it?" I grumble with my coffee mug in my hands.

He sighs and shakes his head, "it's going to be a beautiful day."

"I seriously don't know if I can do this."

"Chris, it'll break Sabs' heart if you're not there."

I lean against the counter and sigh. Dad walks out of the kitchen with his coffee. I open the cabinet and pull out a flask. I'm usually not a drinker, but I think today I will. I grab a bottle of the whiskey and fill the flask. I tuck it away and head up stairs.

I walk into my room and pick up a picture frame of Sabrina, Chase, and DeeDee standing together in homemade Pulisic jerseys. I smile slightly remembering how we almost kissed. Almost. I can't help but wonder if things would be different if we had kissed. I can't see how they wouldn't have. I set the frame down and walk over to my window.

I sigh and stand there looking out towards the Greens' house. I take out the whiskey flask and take a big sip. It burns my throat as I swallow. I take one more drink so that it's not too obvious that I'm drunk. I know my parents would be pissed.

I look at my Snap Chat and see that DeeDee posted on her story from last night as well as now. They had a fun night at the hotel celebrating Sabs' last night before she's married. DeeDee posted a picture of her and Alissa getting their make up and hair done.

A knock on my door jolts me out of my thoughts, "Chris?"

"Yeah?" I turn around.

"It's time to start getting ready," Mom smiles sympathetically.

"Oh. Okay."

She leaves, and I walk over to my closet. I pull out my suit and start to get dressed. My heart is heavy. I know it's the exact opposite for Sabrina. I've seen how happy she is with him. She's marrying the love of her life, and I can't believe it's not me.

A/N: The next chapter is going to be very short as well. They're kinda fillers.

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