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|| I could try to find her, get it off of my chest now ||

"I can't believe Sabrina's getting married," I say as I get out of the car.

"Me either," Chase shakes his head.

"Oh it looks so beautiful," Mom gushes linking her arm with Dad's.

"Yeah. Great," I nod.

"Christian Mate Pulisic! This is the most important day of Sabrina's life. Act happy for her," Mom smacks the back of my head.

"Ow," I frown.

"I'm serious. You're not ruining this for Sabrina."

I hold my present for the in my hand tightly. I set it down on the table and walk away from my parents. I see the farmhouse and know that's where Sabrina is. I walk around and stand under the large tree. The farm house is in view. I take out my flask and take a swing of the whiskey I filled it with.

I need to tell Sabrina. I need to tell her how madly in love with her I am. I take a deep breath and head to the house. I slowly turn the knob and am happy to find that it's unlocked.

"Sabs, I'm sorry, but I have to tell you. I'm so in love with you, and I have been since we were kids. I love you," I practice to myself quietly.

Marry Me || C. PulisicWhere stories live. Discover now