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|| And I know, her daddy's been dreading this day ||

|| Oh, but he don't know he ain't the only one giving her away ||

"Christian!" Sabrina sets down her wine glass and hurries over to see me.

"Hey, you look great," I hug her tightly.

"Awe, thank you

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"Awe, thank you. You look good too," she air kisses my cheek, "thanks for coming!"

"Course. Wouldn't miss this for the world," I lie through my teeth.

"Oh! Me and Alex watched your game last week! Congrats on the hat trick!"

"Oh thank you. I was pretty happy."

"Pretty happy? Man! We were so excit-"

"Sabs!" Mom, Dad, and Chase walk over.

"Kelley, Mark, Chase! Hi!" She walks over and hugs them tightly.

"Aw you look great!" Chase smiles.

"Thank you, Chase-y!"

"Congratulations, Sabrina," Mom hugs her tightly.

"We're so happy for you, baby Sabs," Dad grins squeezing her shoulder.

"I'm never shaking that nickname, am I?" Sabrina shakes her head.

"Nope," Dad chuckles.

"Sabrina!" A tall man strides over.

"Hi!" She walks over and gently grips his forearm as she leans up to kiss him. He puts a hand on her waist as they kiss. They pull apart, and he gently rubs her cheek. I realise this must be her fiancé. She leads him back over to where I'm standing with my family.

"Alex, you remember my neighbours, right? DeeDee's family?"

"Right! Hi, nice to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Pulisic. Hey, Chase," he grins.

"Hi, Alex," Mom smiles.

"Good to see you again," Dad shakes his hand.

"Hey, man," Chase gives Alex a bro hug.

"I don't think you and Christian have actually met. Christian, this is my fiancé, Alex. Alex, this is my best friend, Christian," Sabrina introduces us while wrapping an arm around him.

"Hey, man; great to finally meet you. Big fan," he extends his hand out to me with a relaxed smile.

"Thanks. Good to meet you too," I force my voice to sound light as I shake his hand.

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