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|| She ain't gonna marry me ||

"And it is my pleasure to introduce for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Hart!"

Alex and Sabrina walk into the ballroom holding hands smiling. Sabrina isn't wearing her veil anymore. She and Alex have their first dance together as husband and wife. They sway back and forth happily. His hands are on her waist holding her close. One of her arms is resting on his shoulder, and her other hand is on his chest.

The song they're dancing to is 'Falling in Love with You' by Elvis. It's true; you can't help but fall in love with Sabrina. She's got such a good heart, and she's just an amazing woman. At the end of the song, they kiss as everyone, including me, clap for them. Alex puts his arm around her waist and smiles down at her before they walk over to the sweetheart table.

I sit down at my place with my family, Logan, and Logan's family. I talk easily with everyone. I try so hard to ignore the fact that this is Sabrina's wedding. My heart is heavy, but I try to push it away so I can be happy for my best friend.

I stand up and head to the bar. I order a beer as I lean against the bar top and wait for my beer. I smile and tip the bar tender. I go back to our table and sit back down just as appetisers are served.

I look over my shoulder at the sweetheart table. Sabrina and Alex are smiling and laughing with each other as they eat. She's so happy, she's actually glowing. I smile a little and turn back to my friends and family.

"You good, bro?" Logan asks quietly.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you've been in love with Sabrina since we were teenagers."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I scoff.

"Please. You looked like a love sick puppy with her before you left for Germany years ago. Don't deny it, Chris."

"Fine. Yes I'm in love with her. But it's been a lot longer since that night. Doesn't matter anymore though," I shrug.

"Of course it matters. This is you and Sabs."

"There is no me and Sabs. She sees me as her best friend and that's it. Especially now that she's married to Alex," I say stoically.

"Sorry man," Logan frowns.

"Don't be. It's not your fault."

I'm quiet for the rest of the night. I mainly listen to everyone else talk. It's nice to catch up and find out what everyone in the US has been doing. After appetisers, it's time for speeches. The best man stands up and taps a knife against the side of his glass.

"Hello! I have a few words to say! I met Xan freshman year of college when we roomed together, and we instantly became best friends. Marcus and Xan. Xan and Marcus. Man, we were unstoppable! Before Rina, Xan was very reserved and kept to himself, though we did have a few WILD nights," he laughs, and Alex lightly hits his arm laughing while shaking his head. Sabrina laughs too and hugs Alex's arm, "the first time I met Rina, I knew she was the one for Xan. She was so smart and outgoing. She really balanced him out well. Mr. Law-Student was always so serious, so it was nice to see him more relaxed. He was so much happier with Rina around. I called him her puppy. As I hung out with them more and more, I knew that someday we'd be here celebrating their marriage. Xan and Rina are such a great couple. I know they will face life together head on with a little humour. The humour coming mostly from Rina since Xander's a damn stone. I'm kidding. I love you both. I know you two are going to build a wonderful life and beautiful family together. Congratulations. To Xander and Rina!"

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