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||When I got the invite, I knew it was too late ||

"Chris! You've got mail!" DeeDee yells.

"Oh? Who from?" I walk into the kitchen.

"Uhm. Just- just uhm. A few different people," she stumbles.

"Okay?" I raise an eyebrow and take my mail from her.

I flick through them and then notice something way fancier and more elegant than the others. I pick it up, not recognising the return address. I don't know anyone with the last name of 'Hart'.

I set the rest of the envelopes down and carefully open the white and gold envelope. I pull out a piece of thick card stock. My heart drops when I realise what it is. It's an invitation to Sabrina's wedding.

"Sabs is getting married?" My voice catches in my throat

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"Sabs is getting married?" My voice catches in my throat. I knew she was dating some guy, but I didn't know she had gotten engaged.

"Yeah. She's marrying her long time boyfriend, Alexander."

"Do you know Alexander?"

"Yeah; nice guy. He's a prosecution lawyer."

"Are you going to the wedding?" I set the invite down.

"I have to."


"Because I'm a bridesmaid."

"DeeDee!" I exclaim, slamming a fist down on the table in disbelief.

"What?! She's one of my best friends! I couldn't not say no!" She folds her arms and leans on the island.


"Chris!" She mocks.

"I can't. I gotta go," I mutter walking away.

I grab my keys and head out to my car. I hear Dee calling after me, but I ignore her. I get into my car and drive off. I head to the local park, music blasting full volume. When I get there, I park my car after slamming on the brakes way too hard. I rest my head on the steering wheel, breathing deeply trying not to cry.

I go to the trunk and grab my running shoes. I put them on and then grab my ear buds. I pull on a jacket and put the hood up to try and not be recognised. I pop on my sunglasses and start to run. I can't believe it's too late. I can't believe I missed my chance with Sabrina.

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