Chapter 3 - Stay with me

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Sakura: ZenDoggie (That's me) doesn't own Naruto! ON WITH THE FIC!!!


Sakura's POV

I'm walking with Sasuke to the PE change rooms since I don't know where it is, we were having a good conversation. It's kind of weird when we talk, he hardly talks much to anyone except me. "Sasuke, can you drive me home after we practice at your house?" He just nodded.  We arrived at the change rooms and we were the first people to get out. We had to go to class early due to all the fangirls and fanboys.

After us came Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, Hinata, Neji and Tenten. It was pretty obvious Ino would come last because of beauty stuff. We didn't have a PE uniform, so I just wore baggy red pants (that aren't too baggy) which I pulled up just under my knees and a white shirt. Tenten wore the same thing except it was a different colour. Hinata and Ino wore shorts instead of pants and Karin wore shorts as well except they were too short. The boys either wore baggy pants or normal shorts.

Our teachers were Anko-sensei and Asuma-sensei, I was pretty lucky not to have Gai-sensei. "Everyone Shut Up" Anko-sensei just shouted out, Asuma-sensei started "Everyone, we have a new student. Sakura Haruno, please treat her well"  Anko-sensei and Asuma-sensei already knew me. "Warm up, everyone run 3 laps around the lane" The lanes were pretty big me about 2400, Sasuke and Naruto tied up. It used to be me, Ino, Tenten and Hinata that tied together when we were kids. The last person to arrive was Karin and a few fangirls of the boys. "Let's play a good game of Basketball, choose your teams. Maximum 9 people" One team was our gang, 2 others teams were fanboys and fangirls. In the end our team won, Karin got sent to the school clinic because she broke her finger. What a wuss! The bell rang and it was the end of the day!

Again me, Sasuke and Naruto were the first to come out. Then everyone came after! Sasuke rode his motorcycle, Naruto and Kiba rode in Shikamaru's car while me and the girls fit in Ino's topless car. We all headed to Konoha Mall, which wasn't that far away. We saw that Neji and Sasuke were waiting in the fountain. "So, where do we eat?" Naruto always ask that question whenever we enter a shopping district. "Can we stop at the bakery over there, I need to tell my aunty I can't work today" I said pointing to the bakery that said Star Bakery. "Do you work there Sakura-chan?" Hinata asked me while staring at the bakery. I just nodded. We all went over there, and I told my aunty that I couldn't work for the day. She allows me to have days off since I work at the bakery all the time.

The store sells the best things. Hinata and Ino bought a bunch of sweets while I bought starbread which I made myself. I made up the recipe when I was little, then my aunty started selling it which became very popular. (She didn't actually make it, it's a type of filipino bread in a shape of a star with sugar on top) I gave one to Sasuke, he doesn't usually like sweet things but he only ate the ones I gave him. After having our snacks, we split up, us girls went shopping while the boys were in the malls arcade playing games. Ino payed for everything since she was the richest out of all of us girls. She bought me an emerald green romper that only has one sleeve and a bunch of other clothes. I secretly put a few things away when she wasn't looking.

After we finished we said our goodbyes, and everyone went home except for me. I was riding the motorcycle with Sasuke, we were on the way to his house. To tell you the truth, I've never been to his house. We usually met under a cherry blossom tree which was near our primary/elementary school. We finally arrived at his house or should I say palace. It was so frickin' massive and when we went inside I saw his brother Itachi. "Itachi-nii san" Itachi was like a big brother to me. "Hello Sakura, Sasuke. Were you two going out on a date?" Itachi knew that I liked Sasuke, he was very smart. We both said no at the same time with red faces. He just chuckled and left the house.

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