Chapter 8 - Pleasant Moments

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Kiba and Yuffie do the disclaimer! Temari and Kazuki do the second disclaimer!

Disclaimer: She doesn't own Naruto, Nya/Woof!

2nd Disclaimer: Or the songs!

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Sakura's  POV

I could not stop thinking about me and Sasuke performing, it was absolutely amazing. What am I thinking? He doesn't like me back. I was riding my bike to school until I saw a bunch of boys and girls heading to me, oh great! I quickly ran for my life and saw Sasuke in the way "Sasuke Run for your frickin' life!!!" He just replied with a "hn" I didn't have time to think about his answer so I grabbed his hand by accident instead of his wrist. And we both ran into an empty room I didn't know that existed but at least we lost the fangirls and fanboys.

"You alright?" He asked me "Huh?" I replied back. I didn't notice that his voice came behind me, we were in a type of position that couples do. His legs were apart and I was in between them, his hands were around my waist and my head was near his neck. The room was dark which was sot of good because my face was flushing with red. "S-s-sorry" I hesitated, I tried to get up but I couldn't! and he knew it.

I kept trying and at one point I was able to move but then I ended up back down at Sasuke in a different postion. Then the light switched off and flickered back on, our noses were touching. We were both staring at each other until we kissed, his hand moved to chin while his other hand moved to my back which pulled me towards him. My legs were wrapped around his body while he was sitting. We both stopped for breath and continued until we remembered we were in school. "Sasuke, we need to stop. Were still in school" He stopped but kissed my neck 3 times and I removed my legs from him and somehow stood up. "Wanna tell the others or not yet?" He asked me. "We'll wait till the sleepover" I replied. I listened outside through the door and heard only silence.

"I don't think anyone's outside" We both came out slowly and walked to our class like nothing happened. We entered a corner and Sasuke whispered in my ear "Wanna continue sometime later?" "Sure, but don't go too far?" I said back but then I bit his ear. We went to our classroom but stopped when we saw Kiba nd Yuffie making out. Wow, guess me and Sasuke weren't the only ones. "Uh, did I miss something?" I said disturbing them "U-um" They both said at the same time with pink faces. "It's alright we won't tell anyone" I said to them. We all walked to the classroom and found the rest of the gang waiting except for Temari. I wonder where she was?

"So, where were you four?" Naruto said curiously with an eyebrow raised. Sasuke just said "hn" then went to his seat. "Me and Sasuke were running away from fangirls and fanboys, so we had to hide until they could find us" I said casually.

"And what about you Kiba and Yuffie?" Ino said with the same expression as Naruto. They both were blushing until Naruto crept behind them and grabbed Kiba's phone secretly. Then he went back to his seat without them knowing. Then Temari suddenly came in "So, nee-chan where you huh?" Kankuro said. "Uhmmmmmm....." Then Naruto suddenly mentioned something we didn't know. "Were you looking for a guy?" "N-n-no, why do you t-th-think that?" She said with her face blushing and looking away.

Kiba interrupted "Oh was it that guy at the park? Hehe?" "How did you know!?!" Kiba was about to answer when Naruto showed Kiba's phone with a video of Temari with a guy in the park. Then it suddenly showed Kiba and Yuffie lying down and having their first kiss. "Give me back my phone now, Idiot!" Kiba and Yuffie ran after Naruto who just stuck his tongue at them, then running around the classroom trying to get away.

The bell rang and students from the class entered the room. 2 minutes later Iruka-sensei went in the classroom. "Attention students! I'm pretty sure not many of you know this but we have a new student"

Temari's POV

"Attention students! I'm pretty sure not many of you know this but we have a new student" A person suddenly walked into the classroom and it was Kazuki. OMG!!!! He's in our class. "The names Kazuki Moreno, Yuffie's brother" Huh, he was Yuffie's brother "You can sit next to Temari" The whole gang came near us and Yuffie spoke "So, why weren't you going to school at the same time as me Nii-san" "Cause I was so tired" He yawned he looked so cute, wait what am I saying. "Hey Yuffie, is your brother emo cause you know of his hair?" Naruto asked, Sakura smaked him on the head for not watching his manners. "No, I'm not emo. I just wanted to dye it"

We all introduced ourselves and went off to our classes. We had PE first, Kazuki was in our PE class. He was amazing, but unfortunately Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were still the best in the class. We all had to get in partners of the opposite gender, I was with Kazuki while the others were with their crushes or their boyfriend. We had to practice different sports together and I actually found it quite fun.


Me and the gang were at the Garden House since it was never visited by people and also because there were no fangirls or fanboys in sight. "So everyone as you all know, sleepover at my place at 5:00. Bring snacks if you want!"

Ino's POV

This is going to be a great sleepover, I'm gonna make sure a lot of romantic things happen when we play truth or dare. Hehehehehe! "I can't go" Kankuro said "I wonder why?" I replied, then Temari entered the conversation "Oh, he has to see his girlfriend" "Since when did Kankuro have a girlfriend?" Naruto asked. We continued the conversation and then the bell rang for us to go our classes. We all had french and our teacher said that we would be visiting Paris in a month. They all will choose rooms for us.

The day came fast and it was time for the sleepover.

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Which will happen next chapter because I'm too lazy to write! Hoped you like the SasuSaku part because I haven't added much SasuSaku. See you in the next chap!

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