Chapter 26 - Seductive SasuSaku

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As I said before, I'm continuing last chapter. BTW, don't you think the pic is so cute! Sasuke's getting jealous because Charasuke is making a move on Sakura. Oooh! Warning before you read, there is sexual content ahead.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything in it, I also don't own the media, only the plot

Pic URL:

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Sakura's POV

Me and Sasuke went back to the house we were staying in. It was night time, I decided to use the laptop in the room, the wi-fi was really fast. I went online and saw that the gang was online, Ino decided to do a group chat with the girls while the boys had their own group chat.

Ino: Sooo, Sakura how's your time with the Uchiha? ;)

Me: It's alright, we had a date and visited this fortuneteller

Hinata: Cool

Yuffie: Awesome

Tenten: What did the fortuneteller say?

Me: Well, she said I had a good relationship and that I would have to face an enemy. I thought about Sasuke's fangirls, and then Karin. -_-' After that, she said that there will no longer be any troubles for me after that

Mayumi: Don't worry, we'll be there for you

Temari: Mayumi's right, we'll always be there for you Sakura

(All the girls): Yeah!?!

Me: Thanks guyz! :D

Ino: Well, what happened with everyone else?

Mayumi: Gaara asked me out on a date *Blushes*

(Everyone except Mayumi): WHAT!?!

Yuffie, Temari and Ino: Girl, we need to take you to the mall

Hinata: When's the date?

Mayumi: This Sunday

Today's Friday, Sasuke said we'll get back tomorrow so I have enough time to go with the girls to the mall.

Sakura: Sasuke said we're coming back to Japan tomorrow, probably at midday

Tenten: Cool, so we can meet at the mall at 4:00

Yuffie: While we're there, do ya wanna talk about what our prom dresses should look like

Ino: We can talk about our dresses in my store

Me: *yawn* I'm going to bed now, it's night time here and I'm pretty sure it's 6:00 in Konoha. Anyways, goodnight guyz cya tomorrow

Ino: Okay, Good Luck with Uchiha and have fun *wink*

Everyone: Bye *wink*

O_O I ended the chat and sat there blushing about what Ino said about having fun. The winking was kind of creepy.

I looked at Sasuke and then the bed. Hmm, Sasuke or the bed? Bed! I did a bellyflop on the bed and hugged the pillow. "Snuggly buggly wuggly and better than Duck-butt Uchiha" I said to myself in a cute voice.

"I heard that" Sasuke said. I forgot he was right next to me.

"You were supposed to"I said even though that was a lie. I suddenly felt him smirk then I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I squealed a little when the arms pulled me, now I was facing the ceiling and the dull light. I could feel the heat from the heater and the soft bed. Wait, I'm getting distracted. I looked up again and stared a pair of onyx eyes that belonged to Sasuke. Our noses were touching, my cheeks were heating up and I didn't notice he was FRICKIN' SHIRTLESS!?! 'Have fun my dear' Stupid Inner.

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