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"Wow, some kid." Ed laughed as we ate breakfast Sunday morning.

"Hey, don't make fun of him. He's only eighteen doing his first gig, which had to be a gay love scene."

"I guess you're right." Ed shrugged. "But it's pretty ridiculous that you didn't get home yesterday until after I was already asleep."

"Well, I went out for coffee with him afterwords. I wanted to calm him down because he started to feel anxious again."

"He shouldn't be in the porn industry."

"Well, he'll learn soon enough. I know I was terrified my first time too."

Ed nodded and sipped on his orange juice.

"I know, you've told me the story."

I half smiled at him and then spoke, saying, "I invited Louis over for dinner tonight."

"You did what?" Ed asked.

"Well, he told me that he doesn't have any friends."

"Shouldn't he find friends his own age? You're almost thirty and he's not even twenty yet. Just two years ago he was getting his first car."

"You don't have to remind me how old I am Ed." I said rolling my eyes and drinking my orange juice, not mentioning that he rides the bus because his family can't afford a car.

"Well, it's the truth Harry. You can't ignore it."

"I know it. But, it's only dinner Ed. Besides, he's a fan of yours."

"Well, fan or not... he fucked my boyfriend and is ten years younger than the both of us."

"Oh Ed, stop. He's straight and he's kind of my friend, you could say?"

"Whatever Harry. Just don't make it a habit of having him or any other co-stars coming over for dinner. I don't like knowing they've seen you naked. I don't like people knowing the faces I see when we do it. You're mine."

"Cherry." I smiled and put my hand on his thigh. I started rubbing as I talked next, "Porn is acting. I don't feel the way I do with them as I feel with you. They give me pills and shit to stay hard and have good finishing shots. With you, I don't need all of that. All I need is love. Pure love."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." I smiled and then leaned over to kiss him. "Now, let's start cleaning up so we don't look like a couple of pigs for dinner tonight."

Ed nodded and we started to clean up our mid-morning brunch. After that, we cleaned the house. I mean, we cleaned. I wanted everything to look nice for Louis.

After we finished, we both took a shower, which took a little longer than we expected due to us taking it together, and we then got dressed.

By the time we were done, it was already time for me to start cooking so it could be ready by the time Louis got here.

Before no time, dinner was ready, and Louis was knocking at the door.

"Hey Louis." I spoke opening the door to him smiling and holding a plant.

"Hi." he spoke and then handed me the small cactus. "It's a house gift since I can't buy alcohol."

"Thank you." I chuckled and then stepped aside so he could enter my house.

Ed was in the kitchen, so I walked Louis to the kitchen to meet him.

"Louis, this is Ed. Ed this is Louis." I spoke to the both of them.

"Oh, hello Louis. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Ed. I'm a big fan of yours."

Ed smiled wider than what he was originally doing and thanked him again.

"So, you ready to eat?" I asked him.

"I'm starving."

We all chuckled and then sat at our dining room table.

"So, you got into the porn industry?" Ed asked Louis as the very first conversation starter.

I kicked Ed under the table but he didn't pay any mind to me.

"Yes." Louis nodded as we all ate. "It's very scary, but Harry calmed down my nerves a little to get it done and over with so we could both get our pay checks."

Ed nodded.

"So?" I asked. "Rob texted me today and told me that they are posting the video tonight. Did you decided to keep the name L. Twinklinson or did you change it so you can do straight porn?"

"Well, Rob told me that all he can see me doing is gay porn and that I make a killer bottom. What does that even mean..." he said and Ed and I laughed a little. "So, I guess I'm sticking with gay porn and L. Twinklinson."

"Well, I think it suits you." Ed chuckled.

I could see Louis smile tightly, so I just moved the conversation along.

"Well, I'm glad you found your name. It's hard to pick."

"Why did you pick Marcel?"

"I had a friend named Marcel once. He changed my life forever. So, I decided to name myself after him."

"What did he do?"

"Is that any of your business?" I asked keeping up the joke from yesterday.

Louis laughed and took another bite of his food.

"Wow, this is delicious."

"Thank you." I smiled. "It's my great grandma on my step dad's side of the family's recipe."

"Well it's amazing. Job well done Harry."

"No problem." I smiled.

We then continued to eat, talk, share stories, and laugh. It was a great night and Louis is really something special.


Please like and comment!! Have a great day guys :) ~Ash

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