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"Wait, can you repeat that?" Niall asked me as I spoke with him over the phone the next day as I sat out on my balcony.

"Ed asked me to marry him last night."

"Ed? The guy who always tells you no? He asked you to marry him last night?"

"Yeah." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"Well, what did you say?"

I didn't answer.

"Harry, what the hell did you say?" he spoke excited.

"I told him I had to think about it."

"What?" Niall asked in shock and disappointment.

"I mean, it's not a no."

"But it's not a yes. Are you crazy?"


"Well it sounds like it. You were just over here crying about how he doesn't want to marry you, yet you tell him you have to think about it when he actually asks you? That's insane Harry."

"Well, there's a lot on the line Niall."

"Like what?"

"He wants me to give up on porn."

"Well, I see his point of view Harry. You are sleeping with other people."

"Yeah, but they don't mean anything to me and Ed is Ed. I've loved him for years... I've wanted this for years. None of those boys will make a difference to me."

"So why not give it up like he wants?"

"Because, it's my job. It's my career. It's what I've been doing since I was eighteen. It's been ten years! I can't just give up after I've come such a long way Niall."

"But it's Ed. Ed is a lifetime. You can't do porn when you're 70."

"I mean, I could."

"But it wouldn't be the same."

"I know you're right." I huffed.

"I know I am."

"But there's something else." I sighed.


"There is-"

"There is what Harry? Spit it out."

"There may be... might be... well, is..."


"There is someone else in my life as well." I said fast, maybe even in a mumble.

"Someone else?" Niall asked in shock.

"Yeah." I confessed.


"You don't need to know who... just that there is someone."

"You two haven't... done anything have you?"



"I know... I know." I sighed. "It's so bad. I think I might- I might-"

"Don't you even say it..."

"I think I might love this other person too."

"What? How did this even come about?"

"Well, after Ed and I's fight they came to talk to me and to hang out and I told them what happened and they told me they loved me."

"So they are a rebound?"

"No, he isn't a rebound."

"Then what is he to you?"

"I don't know!" I said and huffed. "I don't fucking know. All I do know, is that I feel something for him. I know there is something there. I can feel it when we are together. I could always feel it, plus, he actually loves me for me. He doesn't mind the porn. He said he would marry me and let me keep doing my job."

"But Ed is Ed."

"I know that!" I said and began to tear up. "I fucking know Ed is Ed. I'm stuck Ni. I don't know what to fucking do at this point."

Niall stayed silent.

"Do I go with the man I've loved for years? He asked me to marry him, but he wants me to give up my life. But I mean, I owe it to him. It's been so long." I sighed and wiped some tears away. "Or do I take a chance on this new person that I just met? He says he would take me as a porn star or not a porn star. Either way, he loves me. But it's been such a short amount of time to actually know."

"All I can say, following your heart and all, is quality over quantity."



"Alright. I have to go Niall. Thanks for talking to me."

"No problem."

I then hung up and went inside to look for Louis. I needed to tell him what's going on. I needed to break the news to him and to Ed about what I'm feeling.

When I found Ed, I asked. "Where's Louis? I have to talk to you two?"

"He left."

"When will he be back."

"No, he left." Ed said and passed me a piece of paper.

To Harry,

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm leaving. I heard through the walls you and Ed sleeping together. Then this morning, I heard you talking on the phone to Niall. You're marrying him? What about everything that happened between us over these past couple of months? Were those all just lies to make yourself feel better about Ed leaving? If it was, fuck you. You don't deserve me and Ed doesn't deserve you. Don't come looking for me and tell Rob I quit.


"Wha- What?" I asked looking up.

"You cheated?" Ed then asked.


"You fucking cheated!?" Ed screamed. "You fucking cheated on me? What the fuck Harry! Why the fuck did you do that to me? I was away, not dead. Why the fuck did you sleep with him? With Louis of all fucking people! Are you insane!?"

"Ed I-"

"Ed what? You're sorry? You didn't mean to? You take it back? No! Fuck you! You don't mean anything you're about to say. You cheated and you fucking liked it! I know you did! You're a no good, filthy, porn making whore!"

"Ed!" I screeched. "Take it back!"

"No! You are every word of what I just said!"

"Ed!" I said and walked to him as he tried to grab his suitcase he packed up.

"No!" he said pushing me away. "I'm not fucking doing this. You're a slut and we are done. I don't even want to fucking look at you!"

"Ed!" I said trying to grab onto him, but he turned around, pushed me off, and when I tried to speak, he slapped me right across the face.

"Don't ever talk to me again Harry."

With that, he left and I just laid there on my floor in tears.


Please like and comment! I hope you enjoyed! ~Ash

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