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Attention! Please read the end note for an important message! Thank you! Happy Reading!

"Nice work boys!" Rob smiled as Louis and I put on our robes. "I was terrified that giving you a month break would make you lazy, but you guys were more powerful than ever!"

"Thanks Rob." Louis smiled. "I'm going to grab a smoothie."

After Louis left, I whispered to Rob, "Thanks for giving us a break. We needed it after that whole homeless, dad, affair nonsense."

"No problem. You guys deserved it. You've been nonstop ever since we started this channel."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"What?" he asked after noticing a slight change in my face and voice.

"I've been thinking about some stuff on our break."

"What stuff have you been thinking about?"

"Here, let's go to your office."

"Alright." Rob nodded and then walked off. I followed. Once we were there, we sat, and he began to talk. "So, what's on your mind Harry?"

"I've been thinking... like, a lot. Going on break really put things into prospective for me."

"About what?"

"Well, being there with Louis, just living normal lives together... really makes me happy. Like, over the moon happy. Getting able to wake up with him, cook him breakfast, lounge around and watch t.v. with him, and only screw him... it's been a dream. I've never felt more myself before... more comfortable before. To be honest with you, I'm dreading doing a scene with Grimshaw tomorrow."


"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm dreading it. I've never felt like this before. It's like, I only want to do it with Louis. It feels so much better with Louis. I don't want to do anyone else. I don't want to give myself away anymore. Which is weird, because I didn't care about fucking someone else when I was with Ed. That's the whole reason we broke up... but with Louis? Oh, me being with Louis is like fireworks. I only want his fireworks. No one else's. I just want Louis... and I- um- I-"


"I- uh- I feel like I- uh- don't want it to be shared with- uh-  the world anymore."

"What?" Rob asked getting up from his chair. "You don't want to do porn anymore?"

"I guess that's what I'm saying?"


"Because I love Louis and it's an invasion of privacy now. He's my boyfriend. I don't want the world to see use screwing anymore Rob. I can't handle it. I just want Louis all to myself. Plus, I'm turning 29 soon and 30 after that. I need to move on from porn."

"But you're the most popular guy on the internet Harry! Where is this coming from? You love the industry?"

"I know I do, but I love Louis more. I want to leave and find a better career."

"Like what?"

"I don't know? Sales?"

"Harry." Rob said looking at me like I had two heads. "You are not going into sales. No fucking way."

"Then beauty?"

"No Harry. That's not you."


"Harry, shut the fuck up. You can't do any of that."

"Then what? I'm not staying in porn. I want a good life for Louis. I don't want him to be exploited anymore than he already is."

"Harry." Rob whined. "You are born for the camera! The camera loves you! The people love you!"

"But I can't fuck anyone else but Louis. I bet I can't even get hard for Nick tomorrow. I'm fucking in love with Louis. I can't help it Rob."

"Well I don't know Harry. The camera loves you."

"Well, oh well. It's not like I can act." I shrugged. "That would have been a winner."

"Wait." Rob said sitting up quickly, since he sat back down earlier.




"You can act!"

"No I can't?"

"Yes you can! You act everyday in the studio! Everyday you come in here, you have to act."

"But that's me making up lines to screw someone."

"But, you're good at playing another person. You can take on a role so good. You literally win best porn actor at the awards every year. You are an actor."

"I don't know Rob."

"Look, I have other agent friends that are in the movie business. I can sign you up for interviews with all of them. They all know who you are since you're my favorite client."

"I don't know."

"Come on Harry. You're a natural."

"But I don't think I can be in love with someone else on camera. I'm telling you, I can't fake that shit now that I have Louis."

"Then be in a war movie for all I care."

I huffed.

After a moment, I said, "I'll talk to Louis."

"Great." Rob clapped.

I then got up and went to go find him.


Hello, hello! I have a little quick announcement. This book, Xtra Hot, will be ending in two weeks. On April 7th this book will be officially over... BUT the very next week, on April 14th I will be publishing a brand new book! It's called "Any Way the Wind Blows". It is about soul searching, heart ache, and love. I'm really REALLY excited about this one and I hope you guys enjoy it. Now, with that being said: Please like and comment! -Ash

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