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"Alright Lou-Louis!" I shouted as I started to tell him who I thought the murderer was in our clue game. "I think Mr. P-P-Plumb did it, with the bat, in the ob-sev-a-pa-tory." I spoke but then corrected the last word with a laugh, "Ha! I meant observatory."

"Suuuuuure." Louis drew out with a cackle. "I'm sure you did."

"I did! I know how to read Louis! I'm just drunk off of my fucking ass! The letters are blur-blurring together!"

Louis just continued to laugh, so I punched him in the arm playfully.

"Hey!" he laughed out louder then he had been doing. After calming down a bit, he said, "Is that your final guess Harold?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Alright, well you're in the pool. Go ahead and take out the envelope, man."

I then snatched the envelope with the three cards containing the murderer, weapon, and the room they did it in.

I pulled the cards out to see Mr. Plumb, the bat, and the kitchen.

"Are you fuck-ing kidding me!"

"What?" Louis said snatching the cards out of my hands. He then couldn't contain his laughs again. "You didn't say kitchen! You lost Harry! Ahhh!"

I pouted and got up to make myself another drink.

"Oh Harry." Louis said softer as he got up to join me in the kitchen. "I'm sorry."

"No you aren't."

"I promise that I am."

I turned to him and saw that he had a loving smile on his face.

He looked so beautiful under the disco lights.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Louis wondered.

"Looking at you, like what?"

"Like you love me."

"I do love you."

"N-no." Louis said shaking his head. "Like you love, love me."

"I dunno." I spoke, almost sounding like a little kid.

"Do you love me like that?"

"Do you want me to love you like that?"

"I dunno." he spoke in a drunk-ish kid way as well.

We both then stayed silent as the disco lights flashed throughout the house and as loud music pulsed through the walls.

Everything in me, but my morals, were telling me to kiss him. My morals kept bringing up Ed and how I hate cheaters. I've been cheated on myself... but Louis... oh Louis. Right now he looked like a god sent down to me to make me feel better. I'm so sad about Ed being gone, but Louis, Louis is here to help me. I want to kiss him. Fuck I want to.

The lights flashed up against his face some more. This time they were pink florescent lights, but I turned my head as got myself another glass.

I soon, half-way into pouring myself a glass of wine, felt Louis' fingers start to trace my spine through the fabric of my shirt. I didn't pay any mind though. I can't cheat on Ed. It's not even been a fucking day. Plus, Louis is only 18. What am I suppose to do with him if we work out? He's 18 and I'm 28. We don't match. Not at all. But fuck me... he's so attractive... so nice... fuck, and so straight! What is he doing! What am I doing!

I then felt Louis press himself up against my side as he started kissing on my neck.

"Shit-" I breathed out putting the wine bottle down.

Louis' hand on my back went under my shirt to trace my skin instead of the cloth. His other hand went up the front of my shirt to trace my abs.

I started to breath heavily as he licked at my neck that I'm sure had a nice bruise on it now.

With that thought... I pulled away.

"Lou-Louis, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked him and got his hands off of me.

"I-I-" he tried, but couldn't speak.

"I have a boyfriend Louis. He literally just left today. Just so I wouldn't cry, you made me this party. That's all I needed. I don't need a fuck Louis. That's for Ed and the people I work with when I'm clocked in as a porn star. Not you, my 18 year old, horny, straight, roommate!" I yelled. "I know I'm drunk and you're drunk, but come on Louis! Don't do that!"

With that, I stormed off to my room, slammed the door, and locked it.

I know... what I just said had nothing to do with what I was thinking. I just got scared. I know, I know I shouldn't cheat. Louis is just dangerous. He knows how to get me to cloud nine and I know how to take him there as well. We are professionals for fucks sake. It's scary being alone with him. I said all those things to make sure he won't try to fuck me and I won't try to fuck him.


Look who finally updated!!!

Please like and comment :) ~Ash

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