The Life Of An Indian Girl

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Hey there!

This is a story that I've started writing and I really hope you like it. My ideas, characters and events in this book are all from my imagination, so do not copy my story because I've put lots of work into it. Other than that, please enjoy this book and let me know in the comments how you like it!


Study... Study... Study.

It's all I thought about, I'm sure I was brainwashed into being a workaholic. I'm not even close to joking. Alright, I'll admit I might've exaggerated the brainwashed part however reality brushes close by you've got parents like mine.

You know what their most important rule was? Yep, you got it.

No boyfriends. None at all. Boyfriends are nonexistent.

That very rule sometimes makes me want to punch someone. I mean come on, I'm 17 years old and it gets annoying when I see my friends flirt with boys and that's the moment where I realize that my father would probably kill any guy that flirts with me. It's frustrating but my parents don't really get that. No, correction . My parents will never get that.

You could've guessed it I'm Indian and it isn't a mystery. What type of child on earth has parents like mine? You're right, desi kids.

I find it exceptionally sad that my while my friends are living it up, I'm busy reading a Physics book. I must say I resemble Rapunzel or Belle. I'm either sitting by my window thinking about fairytales or sitting with my nose stuck in a book. Major resemblance? I think so.

My hair is light brown, cascading past my shoulder into thick curls. My eyes were light brown too, long lashes framed them and my eyebrows were nicely arched. I was tall, very tall compared to my family... Reaching 5'9 at this age. My aunties would always wonder what guy would be tall enough to marry me. I ignored in until now when I noticed that many guys were maybe only an inch or two taller than me. I didn't want that.... I wanted a guy that reached well over 6'3, so I didn't look too tall. I'll stick to keeping my fingers crossed till then.

As for the present timing, I was getting ready for school. It was my last year in that high school and I'll be off to Harvard. I was accepted there and it was my dreams... The number of people applying was astronomical but I guess hard work pays off. I hope nothing ruins that at all.

On the other hand, being accepted to Harvard brought in a bunch of expectations from the family's side. I tell you my little brother has it easy. Being the first child isn't all that easy, I tell you from experience. Because now my father wants me to be either a pilot or a cardiologist and my mother wishes for me to be a lawyer.

Absolutely no pressure.

My little brother was two years younger than me but you'd be surprised at how he looked as old as me. The boy was 15 but never had a girlfriend. The 'no romantic relationships' rule applies to boys too.

I hop into some yellow skinny jeans and a white blouse. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled in approval. I was never the one to dress up too much, I never liked it if you asked me.

I brush my chocolate hair and watched it curl up naturally. I put on some mascara on my dark eyelashes and winged my eyeliner.

I step down the stairs to find my dad drinking tea with mummy.

I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten. I'm Tarai.

I kiss my dad on the cheek and hug my mom as I sat down.

"Up so early beta?" he asks while biting the toast again.

"Yup, got homework." I say with a smile as I grabbed a piece of toast and my lunch box.

I appeared in front of the award winning all girl school I went to. It was the only one in the state and half of the school's population were attention seeking and desperate girls.

When you thought my life couldn't get any frustrating, you have been wronged dearly my friend.

Saint- Lauren High School. Even the name gives off all-girl school vibes.


Note the sarcasm.

Most girls here are desperate for a boy friend and all that most of them have lost their god damn virginity. I, on the other hand will most probably die a virgin.

I notice my two best friends speed walking towards me as they held down their skirts because of the gusting wind.

Meet Belle.

Her light skin and dark brown hair was framing her face and her big brown eyes would have made a model jealous.

Then have the honor of meeting Violet.

She on the other hand had bright green eyes and beautiful golden hair. In our trio, she was the badass, I was the workaholic with a crazy side and Belle was the adorable yet really mature one. We balanced it out and our friendship was amazing unlike others.

So those are my two crazy best friends.

When we entered the school, we were greeted with the smell of new books, late assignments and the clicking of many pairs of heels. We walked to our lockers and Vio put her forehead against hers.

"Girls, I don't know what I'm going to do about that physics exam. I studied but I can't help but stress," she says tucking a strand of her blond hair behind her ear.

"Vio, don't worry alright? They're not going to ask you stuff we didn't look at, just go ahead like the badass you are and get the A you deserve," I say hugging her and I pulled my bag on my shoulder.

I enter my lock combination and yank the lock open just to have my duffel bag fall out. Indeed, unlike other girls here that are enrolled in the cheerleading teams I'm on a flag football team. I pick up the football that that falls out and put it back into my duffel.

So yes, I was quite muscular. Don't get it wrong, it was a lady-like muscular.

I pick up the duffel put it back in my locker.

"So what do you have first period Tarai?" Belle asks me and I check my time table.

"History, "I say and a smile tugs at my lips.

I loved history, it was the only subject that kept me awake. People sometimes called me weird for liking it so much but it's just so interesting.

"Damn, I got Chemistry," she says frowning down at chemistry textbook.

"Come on it can't be that bad," I say putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh trust me it is," she sasses me and I chuckle.

"Bye babes, I'll see you later! Don't wait for me after school though I've got practise," I call out and they nodded walking away in the other wing of the school.

Just an other day in a all girl school. Life can't get better can it?

Sarcasm intended.


What is up?

Can any of you relate to Tarai, Vio or Belle? I really hope you guys like this chapter, I've got a good feeling about this.

More updates to come!

Yours truly,

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