Chapter Thirty-four

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"No, I wasn't... I would've remembered." He only shrugs at my words, "Maybe you accidently drank alcohol. I know that most of them did, your sister included. Did you know that it only takes up to .15% blood alcohol level content for blackouts to start as well as having gaps in memory. " Ignoring his random trivia I mutter, "I'm underage. I don't think I had any alcoholic drinks that night."

He shrugs at my words. As he takes another drink I think back to when I was at Olivia's house and the police knocked on the door. Stating that they had reopened my sister's case.

"What did you find out about my sister?"

Officer's Hansen's sharp blue eyes soften slightly when they land on me before saying, "Miss Lawrence. I'm sorry to inform you that we can't disclose that knowledge with you at this time."

The young man standing next to him had his black hair cut in a short clean cut while his observant icy eyes watch me.

"The only reason we aren't haulin' yer ass down to the station is because Matthew Rogers told us that you weren't there that night. Apparently you know nothin' 'bout it."

"What did you accidently slip to the police a few days ago?" I ask watching as he lets out a sigh. Running his hand over his face he says, "You heard about that?"

"Yeah. I was there when they took Olivia down to the station to question her."

"The information that I let slip out was that we were all at a party the night before she went missing."

"Why did you tell the police that I didn't know anything about the party?"

"Because I didn't want it to label you for the rest of your life as it would for the rest of us. You're too young."

"Thank you." He gives me a soft smile at my words of gratitude.

"You're welcome."

There's a slight pause in the conversation neither of us knowing what to say. Swallowed in my own thoughts I try to process everything that I've learned so far. I was at the party the night Tori went missing. Something had to have happened that night.

"What happened at the party? Olivia mentioned that you and Charlie were there after Nicholas had left."

"That cheating boyfriend of hers? He is loved by everyone, yet they don't know what he's capable of."

"I know that he cheated on my sister, but not who he did so with."

"It was Ivy."

"Ivy Moore. She was friends with your sister and the rest of our group, but once everyone found out what had happened. They cut all ties. At least I think they did."

"Ivy, that name sounds familiar to me."

"It should, after all you're sister and Ivy were pretty good friends at one point. I remember the whole reason that your sister started drinking in the first place was because she found out he was cheating with and who. But none of that matters now."

Swallowing hard I watch her take in the news I just told her. What I just told her. My words still float around in my own head like fireflies in the night sky. Noticeable. Tori shakes her head in disbelief.

"No, Nick is not cheating on me. He wouldn't do that to me. I loves me, just as I love him. Why on earth would say something like that?"

"Tori I'm sorry, but I really do believe that he is."

"You're wrong. Oh so wrong and just to prove it I'll go ask him about it." She smiles as if she's already won. She's only going to suffer. As she turns away from me I grab her wrist glancing over to her boyfriend. He's talking to a short girl with curly black hair.

"What Alexandria?" Irritation rings clear in her tone. Her eyes are sharp and I can tell that she's annoyed with me.

"I think that this is a horrible idea." She laughs at my words before wrenching her wrist from my grasp.

"I'm going to prove you wrong way or another."

She turns away from me. Eyes flicking back wards her boyfriend I see him realize that my sister is walking his way. Shooing the girl away quickly as if that will solve the problem. The warm glow from the fire lights the side of her body as she walks behind a group of people towards her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. Shaking my head watch as they start talking that all to soon turns into arguing.

She slaps him hard across the face before turning away from him. He stands still shocked by the event that just occured. With tears streaming down her face she quickly walked up to me. Stopping right in front of me words flow from her quivering mouth, "You were right about him Alex... Are you happy now? Did you get what you wanted, huh? It hurts that you were right! Why did you have to be right? Why?" At her harsh words I look into her sharp brown eyes.

"No, this isn't what I wanted-"

Her emotions raging out of control her words turn into weapons, "What did you want? For me to be miserable?"

"No, I'm just trying to look out for you." I say my eyes flickering to the people around us. The few that are closest to us had watched as he broke her heart before leaving. Before I walked over and her anger took her emotions over.

"I don't need anyone to look out for me-"

"Victoria you know just as well as I do that the two of you have-had-an unhealthy relationship."

"No Alexandria. The unhealthy relationship wasn't between Nicholas and I, it's with you and I. I hate you." With those words like the last nail on the coffin lid she marches off towards one of the many coolers.

"I do remember when Tori found out that he cheated on her." I mutter as the memory fades from my mind. Matthew looks up from his notes that he'd been looking over.

"The aftermath of that wasn't pretty. Finding all of that out lead her to drink everything away. Your sister was wasted that night. I really did try to get her to stop drinking."

"Meeting his eyes I ask the question that is on the tip of my tongue, "Where can I find Ivy?"

"She's been at Providence Medford Medical Center ever since that night."

Getting out of the seat I stand up. He watches me as I give him a quick smiles.

"Thank you, Matthew. You've been a huge help."

"You're welcome." He mutters before turning back to his computer and just like that I'm quickly forgotten. It seems to me that we're all left with some sort of scar from that night. I think as I walk out of the Starbucks.

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