Chapter Thirty

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After she nods her head I watch as they walk down the hallway before turning left into the living room. Do I dare follow? I think before moving the bed sheets aside and slipping off my bed. The cool air wrapping its arms around me in a comforting hug. Walking towards my door I pause before sliding past it. Walking down the hallway I can hear their voices.

"This is bad Ethan." Peeking around the corner I see Kara standing with her back to me. Glancing back down the hallway to my room I debate leaving, yet my curiosity won in the end.

Ethan's eyes look down at Kara while he asks,"I know it is. What can we do to fix it?"
"It's not that simple. Remember how she was like this when her sister went missing? Even then it took her a bit to get out of the house and still is hard to do so. The only difference that I can see is that it's worse this time."

I watch as Ethan runs his hand through his hair before replying, "Yes, I do remember. I hate that her parents are horrible and leave her alone so often. I know that she's been seventeen for a while, after all we are the same ago, so her being home alone isn't that big of deal. My only concern is how often she's home alone."

"I know she's home alone more often than not. Her family fell apart quickly after her sister disappeared and I think-" She pauses as if thinking better of it before continuing,"Nevermind what I think. What I do know is that her Mom is constantly working while her Dad is turning into an alcoholic."

"Is it really that bad...?" Ethan asks as if he's sure that there's some other explanation for my parents behavior. Turning away I lean up against the wall for support as they continue to talk about my family situation as if I'm not right down the hallway. Kara's words scatters my thoughts like a Lego building falling from a table. Broken and in pieces. "Her Mom is constantly working while her Dad is turning into an alcoholic" the truth leaves a bitter aftertaste in my mouth and it seems no matter how much I try the taste won't leave my mouth much like the words in my brain.

She's right about my parents, but wrong about Victoria's "disappearance". I know for a fact that she is dead and someone out there killed her. They are walking free from prison, but not the sin they have committed. They need to pay for what they've done, I think while I silently walk back into my room as if I had never left in the first place.

Crawling back under my covers it then I decide that I'm going to find my sister's killer because they can't get away with it. I wait lost in thought as Kara and Ethan walk back into my room. Kara speaks up first as if the words are burning her tongue.

"Alex I think that you should come stay with me at my house for a few days. Then you won't have to be here home alone." She shifts from foot to foot awaiting my response.

"You know what?" I ask sitting up in my bed, "I think that I'm better off here. Thank you for your offer."

Kara and Ethan share a look as though they knew this was going to happen. Ethan takes a step forward while gesturing to Kara who stands just to the left of him.

"All Kara is trying to do is help you Alex. You do know that right?"

"Yes I know that, but I think I'm better off here."

Kara speaks up her eyes trained on me as if to convince me, "Alex I don't think that is such a good idea... Please come stay the night, at the very least come have dinner at my house tonight. My Mom is making her homemade Chicken and Roasted Garlic Ravioli."

Hearing those words remind me of the few times that I have eaten dinner at Kara's house with her crazy family. The twins are hyper and it's crazy, but her Mother makes the best homemade dinners and her Chicken and Roasted Garlic Ravioli is one of my favorites.

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