Chapter 32 - A Pill For Hope

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 In the castle, a meeting was being called to order. Chairs were being pulled, people were grumbling. It was a little before midnight—on a Saturday of all days—and as expected, people weren't happy. However, the host of the party paid no attention to it; while everyone was groaning and moaning, she kept a bright smile plastered on her white, freakishly blushed face. Eventually, everyone calmed down and quickly, the meeting began.

"Good evening! Since everyone seems to be tired, I will keep it short." Under her breath, she whispered, "Though honestly, I don't see why since everyone was well-informed about this." Back to her normal voice, she continued:

"I hope everyone's day has been going well and that they've been taking the pills that Lady Virus has requested for us all to take. Refills will be given on Monday, so I do hope you will finish it before that day arrives—who knows what will happen if you don't start appropriately cleansing your bodies before the big day."

Chuckling, one of the men at the table declared, "I can assure you that I have been listening to the demands of our Lady!—my family and I have already finished our bottles... all ten of them!"

Cracking a smile, Viola smiled and clapped her hands, "Oh, Duke Hemsworth! That's so delightful! I'm sure The Lady is thankful that you are contributing." Turning to us, she asked, "Isn't that right, milady?"

Eve nodded and bore a soft smile. All she said aloud was, "Indeed." However, inside, she was saying multiple things.

You fool, Eve laughed with venom in her voice, you are only killing yourself faster by consuming all those pills. But I suppose that is what I should have expected; all you men and women would jump if someone of 'high rank' were to tell you to.

"Lady Virus?"

She shot up and looked at Viola. "Yes?"

"How long will it take for the symptoms to start appearing?"

"Another month or so," she replied, "it depends on the number of pills consumed. If one takes the recommended amount daily, then it should be about a month—less, then it will take more time."

Viola turned back to the crowd. "You have heard Lady Virus speak!—be sure to consume the pills as recommended so your bodies will be ready when the elixir has been made. Besides that, that is all that is needed to be said tonight. Meeting adjourned!"

Quickly—much quicker than they arrived—the men and women of the Regality left the room. Although they were of royal descent or were upgraded to it, they still had homes far away; by that, I mean somewhere else in High Libentina so they at least had a ten minute ride back to their homes.

As they left, Viola turned to us and with a straight look, murmured, "I hope this will work as you claim it will," and left.

Back to being just Eve and Kat—back to being how it's been for the past few months. But before we could talk, soon, a maid came to retrieve us to take us back to our tower. Though they hadn't learned about what happened a few days ago (or we don't think that they have), lately, there has been more watch on us. It's not really a good thing, but we honestly don't care, either.

After we were escorted back to our tower, the maid curtsied and went on her way to do whatever. Finally, it was just Eve and Kat... without any interruptions. She went to lie on her bed and finally, we started talking.

"Tonight, Viola kept it short and quick," Eve said with a relieved sigh "I was not sure whether I would be able to handle being in the same room as them, knowing what I was doing to them, but I have made it through it."

Just wait until they all start dropping dead, I murmured, then you'll start feeling guilty.

She laughed. "Me? Feel guilty? Maybe for the first dozen but after that, I will feel fine." Narrowing her eyes, she murmured, "This is nothing compared to what they have been doing to those that have crossed them. Everyone... who has crossed them."

Not wanting to push her further, I said, Whatever, and stopped the conversation.

From what I was hearing from her—or at least, assuming from her—it was a touchy subject: how the Regality treated those who went against them, that is. Now that I thought about it, it wasn't a rare occurrence for members of the Liberation Alliance to just "suddenly" disappear. I definitely couldn't count it on both of my hands at least. If I actually counted it, it would probably fit on three, four, maybe even five hands—at least twenty-five have "gone missing", and I'm only counting those above an official.

Even if you say you won't regret it, you'll regret it later. You'll start feeling bad for sending all those people to their deaths, even though they sent thousands to their own. Death isn't something you can shrug off, Eve, and one day, you'll feel retribution for your actions.

Like before, she softly smiled. Unlike before, however, she kept her thoughts to herself. Aloud, she said, "I know, Katherine—I know," like she was trying to wear out those words. "I know that I will face the consequences of my actions—I know that fully well. Do you not think that I have yet to think about what will happen to us if I carry this out? I have thought about it well into the night—long after you have left me alone with my thoughts, leaving me alone to think to myself. I know what will happen. I already feel it coming. But even when it comes, I will not feel a shred of guilt; I will not regret the decisions that I have decided to make. Those days are long behind me. Now, all I wish to do is pay my debts in this manner.

"You do not understand what I mean now, but you will one day. One day, I will tell you everything—everything that has come to my mind these past decades, everything that brought us to this point. That day, you will hate me. Despise me, even. Or, that day, you might come to appreciate what I am doing and finally agree with me and the choices that I have made for the sake of the good of our country. But until then, I cannot let you know."

Then, she reached for the candle and blew it out.

"Goodnight, my friend."

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