Chapter 35 - Don't Think Too Much, Okay?

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 Another day, another fight. It was finally Saturday—finally a break day. However, due to the upcoming operation, my body still wasn't going to be given any rest. The days were coming to a close and my body was still not fit. Unluckily for me, today, Newvy had plans with some officials regarding plans—some 'secret' plans that only a few of the Liberalists (namely Newvy and Luckas) were allowed to know. Thankfully, despite the last minute change, Dani was open to train with me.

"It's been a while since I've put these gloves on," I heard her say some feet away from me.

Putting my own boxing gloves on, I nodded. "They do seem heavier."

"Haven't you been training for hand-to-hand combat?"

I shook my head. "No—Newvy thought that it wasn't necessary since I'll definitely have a gun or bow of the sort during the raid."

"Weird," she replied, "thought Newvy would go crazy and tell you to practice e'rything."

"He seems like the type, doesn't he?"

She laughed. "Definitely. I can totes see him training in his free time and just going from station to station without breaking a sweat. I mean, imagine it: a skinny dude just going at everything without breaking a sweat while everyone watches in amazement. That's got to have happened before, right?"

Turning around, I saw her looking back at me. With her hands playfully in the air, she asked, "You ready?"

I smiled. "I was born ready."

"Nah, you were born Alastair," she teased. Getting into pose, she waited as I got into pose, too. In my head, I heard Newvy's voice.

"Angle your feet to the side and put your weight on your heels. Stop putting more weight on your back foot—your weight should be even on both feet." In my mind, I imagined him pointing at my hips. "Pelvis should be parallel to your shoulders. Tense your abs." Finally, he pointed at my arms. "Hands are too low—raise them. Put your arms nearer to your ribs."

Remembering his words, I followed his suggestions. Looking down at my body, I angled my feet to the side and put weight on my heels and distributed my weight evenly. I shifted my pelvis and tensed my abs. Once I was done, I looked back at him. "Good?"

In my mind's eye, I saw him smile. "Good." Then, he disappeared.

I opened my eyes. She was still looking at me straight, with her eyes narrowed, watching my muscles, waiting for me to move.

And then, I did. Swiftly, I flew at her and swept for a jab. Blocked. But I had more up my sleeve. Following the basic one-two, I went for a cross.


She tumbled back but came back in the stance. Her face was sweating, but her face stayed calm. Collected. Fierce.

This time, she came at me. She came heavy, swinging at full force. But I knew her moves. I saw right past them.

Like Newvy, I bent my body against the air, enough that her moves would miss. Still, I kept my pose—I kept the pose that Newvy instilled within in. Then, I saw an opening. I took it.

I threw a jab at her side. Hit.

Then, I threw another cross. Another hit.

Keeping up my pace, I kept hitting her until her back was against a wall. She was cornered. Then, I went for the kill and aimed. But she had other plans. Quickly, she pivoted.

The tables were turned. Now, I was in the corner and she was on the outside. She broke her strict face and smirked. She thought she had it in the bag.

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