Rosy checked princess

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Time to receive the wand

Pov Selene

My  personal knight panted as he ran after me " Selene please slow down ! Why are we even here ?! Isn't this the forest of certain death ?!"  He was the same age as me, the squire was only knighted a week before so he wasn't experienced and he was cowardly sometimes but he was a fighter. "Ok Alex we both know I can handle myself here and that I will be qeuun soon so no worries ! "Alex just gave me this judge mental look" your little brother would do better, princess I can do everything." I sighed and grabbed Alex jumped on a warnicorns and rode to the a castle " why couldn't we just go by foot ?!" Selene answered " THIS IS MORE FUN !"

Star pov

She stood there waiting for Selene " well the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree !" She thought to herself as Marco was about say som-

Selene burst into the room excited  " I'm here everyone !" She yelled out loud she was a copy of star exception from the haircut and chest nut collar it was in a ponytail with blue eyes like her grandmother (moon). Alex stood next to Selene as her best friend and gaurd because Marco thought that might make her less explosive." Now Freya do you accept this responsibility?  An-" Selene interrupted hopping " yes yes !" I laughed a little feeling a little nostalgic " here you go Selene our families most important artifact " star gave the wand to her and it glowed the center becomming a rose Crystal and on side of the wand there was a angle and demon wings and it looked in was mostly made out of wood. Star cleared her voice " now Selene remember this is a big responsibility but have fun ok ?" Marco sighed most likely thinking " this won't end good."

1 hour later

Selene Pov

Gaint flowers grew covering the castle Alex was cutting them down with his sword untile they grew teeth and tried to eat him but luckily he cut them down." Ok I'm done how about no magic gardening ?" Selene tried a nother spell which turned a Sun flower into a literal Sun flower and it set the garden on fire.

Astro just laughed from the Windows " she set the garden on fire !" The fire was stoped thanks to the knights. Marco and star looked and they had only one choice " it's time to send her to earth..." Astro just had to ask " can I come ?!" They said " nope."


Writer: Next chapter if you like my bad writing

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