Alone on earth

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Pov Selene

Sigh " mirror call al- wait no his fighting a giant monster " i was bored Alex was to called to calm a giant beast or better said to fight a giant beast " ok call mand- no she's at her ball thing in the underworld " i lied down on my water bed" I wish i could go to mewni ! And just play with astro." I left the house and just roamed the town until i found a hotdog on the street " nom nom " and a girl- " hey !" "Aaaah ! I'm sorry i just found it there !" She looked confused at me she had a Leather jacked and ripped jeans, the jeans looked like they were filled with cash" I'm just bored so i just thought to say hi " " o-oh hey I'm Selene nebula diaz butterfly or just Selene " " I'm Irma , wanna mattress ride down a hill ? " i thought for a sec " sure, why not ?" He pulled me, i mean he literally pulled me to the dump " ok we need to open the gate " i smilld and pulled my wand out " Bomb door !" The gate turns into a door " Wow that was cool !" She walked to the door and opened the BOOOOM !" Oh No ! Im realy " i helped her up and she was smiling " ok that was awesome and the gate is gone ! Come on lets get a mattress !" After borrowing a mattress we carry it to a hill and after riding from that, we carried the mattress to a mountain" wow ! This is high up !" "Yea we will we be riding down to the town. "I thought what would alex say ? "No no no no no. JUST NO !" But he wasn't here " Ok lets go !" We both jumped on it and rode down the mountain dodging trees and before we hit a tree " ok the about to end !" I saw the town and i had a idea." Bubble jumpy ball !" We were surrounded with a bubble and we jumped around bonging around the school, hitting every house and lastly hitting every tree in the park freya and irma laughing even hitting a tree and making a car turn over " wow that was awesome !" We kept hitting something until we hit the door to my grand parents house and we flew over the neighborhood Rafael opened the door and shrugged closed it " ok fraya this is the most awesome mattress riding ever !" I squealedwith joy "This is my first ride but its better then a roller coaster !" We both " aaaaaaaaaaahhhh !!!!!!!" We almost hit a cactus patch but the bubble didn't pop and jumped back to the mountain and rolled down to my house and it popped "wow that was " " explosive ?" I laughed mandy came through a portal wearing a ball dress  " hey freya and hey cool duded, what did you do ." She ripped her dress off she was wearing army shirt and a detective jacket on it with a ripped jeans Irma said " ok you only need a the hat and it would be perfect !" " wait what ." She puts her beanie on "there, so what were you doing ?" Irma and i smiled evily and " this is awesome !" Mandy yelled in the bubble jumping around. "Who's idea was this ?!" Freya answered " it was this crazy girls idea !" I pointed irma to who screamed" YEA IT WAS ! But this girl makes the bubbles !" We laughed jumping around like crazy.

Alex pov

I came back from the fight against that beast who swallowed me twice and threw me up three times." Selene how about a rain bom-" i saw the room empty " oh no ! I thought no one knew where she was !!!" I got battle armour ready "  ok wher-" and i get hit with a ball filled with cute girls now i know how king Marcos teenage years were the bubble popped " ok we have do that agian later but we first to the mall !" I stood up " wow what happened alex you look like you were about go to war." "Yea i was just worried so who's your friend ?" "Irma is the name and having fun is my game !" " so are we going to do? "I stood with limb most likely the beast hitting me with its tail" no you are resting and taking a shower today we are going to the mall and i will get you a hot dog k ?" I nodded i couldn't argue with that they left and i was alone for the first time in who knows how long.

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